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A few rounds of flip cup, and only one text from Everett that told me he loved me and would see me soon, and I’m officially over it. We were rounding five o’clock making me wonder what the fuck kind of brunch went five hours unless he somehow got hammered with her parents.

Most people have left to go home to shower for the night or nap or eat, leaving me, Peyton, and Skyler alone with Everett’s roommates.

“This sucks so much.” I hiccup before taking a swig of champagne straight from the bottle. The bubbles settle on top of all the alcohol I’ve drunk and I can feel myself nearing the end of my rope.

“Maybe you should have some water,” Pat says.

“Or maybe,” Dave enters the living room wielding his bong, “this will clear your mind. Mellow you out some.” He lights the top and takes a hit before passing it to me.

“I AM mellow!”

“No, you’re not. You’re high strung as fuck,” Dave adds.

“Do you blame me?” I shriek.

“Can you not poke the bear?” Peyton says as she snatches the bong away from Dave. “And don’t give her that, she’s too hammered and it’ll put her way the fuck in her feelings. Have you never smoked with a girl before? Goddamn rookie.” She rolls her eyes and takes a hit before handing it to Pat.

“We can’t blame you, but E has a lot on his plate, and you being crazy isn’t helping,” Pat says and Peyton and Skyler shoot him a look.

“Do you know anything about women?” Skyler narrows her eyes angrily and puts her hands on her hips.

Pat’s eyes shift between all three of us but give me a sad look. “I didn’t…sorry.” He shakes his head.

“He doesn’t know shit,” Dave adds. “He just means, him thinking you’re mad at him or you’re going to leave him when he does need you, isn’t helping.”

I lean back on my couch, putting my feet up on the coffee table in front of me and let my head fall back against the cushions. “I just miss when it was easy. When we didn’t have this big uncomfortable elephant lurking in the corner.”

“Is Alli the elephant? Because she’s pregnant?” Pat asks, his dilated eyes blinking in rapid succession.

“Wow, are you stoned.” Skyler snorts before shaking her head. She looks down at her lap and then suddenly she hops up. “Oh! Aidan’s calling.” She cheers before running out of the room.

“See, why can’t I have that?” I pout as I point after her.

“Because your boyfriend’s a dumbass and Aidan’s got like twelve degrees thereby not a dumbass,” Peyton interjects as she waves her hand.

“That’s not fair. We don’t even know if the baby’s his!” Dave argues.

“I’m still not convinced,” Pat says as he slides his hat to the back and cracks another beer. He takes a sip before continuing. “He’s crazy about you, Leigh. Seriously, insane. I just can’t see him fucking Alli.”

I cringe hearing the words spelled out so crassly. “Can you not?”

“Sorry, making love to Alli,” Pat corrects himself.

“That’s worse!” I punch his shoulder before getting up and bounding up the stairs to my bedroom. I drop to my bed, the weight of Pat’s words weighing on my heart making me want to lie down and just forget.

A hand rubbing my back pulls me out my sleep, and I feel groggy and disoriented, and for a moment, I wonder if I’m still drunk or crossing into hangover territory.

“Baby.” I hear the word in my ear, his breath dancing down my neck and instantly, I’m wet.

My eyes flutter open and I note it’s still light out, though I’m not sure what time it is exactly. When I turn in his arms, I find sad, worried eyes. He pulls me closer to him and presses a kiss to my forehead.

“You ignored me,” I tell him as my bottom lip pops out.

Definitely still drunk.

“I didn’t mean to…” He trails off. “I just…it was hard to keep responding to you amidst them rapid fire asking me questions. I was in the hot seat for hours.”

“About what?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance