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“That’s not what I meant.”

“It’s what you said. Literally.” I snap.

“I just mean, you lashing out and being upset is…I understand that, and I accept it, and I want us to work through that, but I’m not in a relationship with Peyton or Skyler.” I don’t say anything when he speaks up. “And I can already see they’re getting to you.”

“Getting to me? What the fuck? You know I’m so sick of everyone around here thinking that I have no control over my own thoughts. That I’m so heavily influenced by your dick or my friends. You want to hear some of my own thoughts? First off, this whole situation fucking sucks, Everett.” My body starts to shake with anger and exhaustion and I know I need to rein in my temper before I lose it. “Secondly, I don’t buy this bullshit I don’t remember fucking her thing for one second. So, I’m seriously going to need you to change your narrative.”

“I don’t!”

I put my hand up. “I’m done with it. I love you, but…”

“No.” He moves towards me. “I refuse to buy it. This can’t be over.” He flips my wrist over and runs his finger over the script reminding me of how deep our love really runs. “Run away with me.”

“So, you’re going to be a college dropout and a deadbeat dad on top of everything else?” I sniffle back a painful memory. “Kids grow up to hate those dads, remember?”

I have no memories of my birth father, and about a grand stuffed in random birthday cards in my room from being sent fifty dollars every birthday. I’d never known him, so I have never necessarily missed him. Luckily for me, I had a wonderful stepfather who filled those shoes, but it doesn’t stop the gaping holes and feelings of rejection that creep in when I remember he left the second my mother learned she was pregnant.

“But you’ll hate me.” He cups my face and leans down hesitantly to brush his lips over mine. I sigh into his mouth and wrap my arms around his neck.


“We can take it day by day. At your speed…Whatever you want. I just…I can’t do this without you, Leigh.”

“You don’t see how selfish that is to ask this of me?” I pull away, the tears spilling out of my eyes.

“No! Because I’d do it for you! I’d do whatever it took to be with you if I knew you loved me. And I know you love me, Leigh.”

“That’s not the point! You’re asking me to watch you have a baby with another woman.”

“Who means nothing to me!” He interrupts, as his hands tighten around me to prevent me from moving from his grasp.

“She’s going to be the mother of your child; she should mean something.”

“I just mean…she’s not you. No one could ever be you.”

“What if your parents or her parents want you two to get married, what then?”

“You’ve been reading too many of your books. It’s 2019. You don’t have to get married just because you’re having a baby.” He shakes his head. “I’m not marrying anyone but you.” I don’t even allow myself to appreciate the fluttering in my stomach over his comment. He wants to marry me. He wants forever with me.

But what would the next nine months bring?

I’m about to respond when his phone whirls to life. He crosses the room to grab his phone and a low groan leaves his lips. “Fuck.”

“Is it Alli?”

He shakes his head. “My dad. I called him when you were downstairs, and now I’m regretting everything.”

“You should tell him; just get it over with.”

He lets out a breath, his finger hovering over the screen. “Will you stay?”

I nod and watch as he slowly slides his finger across. “Hey, Dad.” He lets out a breath. “I hope you’re sitting down.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance