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It’s been quite possibly the best three weeks of my life. Sure, I’ve always enjoyed my time with Leighton, but there’s something so different about us now.

She’s really mine now.

And fuck if I don’t love being hers.

Especially every morning with her special wake up calls.

Dave and Pat finally stopped ragging on me for being pussy whipped because they realized I could not give less of a fuck what their single asses thought. I have Leighton. The girl I’ve been in love with for as long as I can remember.

School is great. I’m still on track to graduate summa cum laude, we’re undefeated in lacrosse, and I’m spending every night inside of my favorite person in the world. And the sex… sex I thought was already fucking mind blowing, somehow got better.

Nothing can bring me down.

I’m sitting on the quad on the first truly warm day of the year when I feel hands over my eyes and a wet kiss on my cheek. “Guess who?”

“Umm…Skyler?” I joke

“Fuck off.” She scoffs as she plops her pert little ass into my lap and moves around far too much.

“Shit, baby, can you not?” I grip her hips to stop her from moving when she looks up at me with those deviously sexy eyes.

“I’m horny as fuck, can we go home pleeeease?” she whines. I push her cheeks together and press my lips to hers.

“I need to stop by one of my professor’s office hours but meet you at my car in like twenty?” I look down at my watch before meeting her gaze.

“Okay, I’m going to grab some sodas from the dining center. I think we’re out of chasers and I don’t feel like going to the grocery store.”

It’s Thirsty Thursday and the first one after a hellish midterm week, so a bunch of us are looking to cut loose. I don’t have class on Fridays, and Leighton’s class was canceled, so we are already preparing to do some serious damage to our livers tonight.

“Okay, but can you get something besides diet?” I give her a pointed look and she runs her tongue up her middle finger lasciviously before blowing me a kiss.

Little tease.

I’m leaning against my car waiting for Leighton when I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. “Baby, I—” I look up from my phone expecting it to be Leighton with two bottles of diet coke just to spite me when Alli comes into view. Her face is pale and she’s barely wearing a stitch of makeup, which is unlike her.

“Hey, Everett.” Her voice is quiet and unsure, and I’m immediately on the defense that she’s about to hand me a sob story about how I hurt her and she wants me back.

“Alli…” I immediately search the perimeter of the parking lot for Leighton. I’m not sure she’d lose it over us talking, but I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure. “Ummm…how ya been?” I ask, trying my best to keep things light. I know I don’t owe Alli anything necessarily, but as everyone has so eloquently put it, I did kind of fuck her over.

She lets out a breath and squeezes her eyes shut. “Pregnant.”

I blink my eyes several times at her as she slowly opens hers. “What?”

“I’m pregnant, Everett. And before you get all twitchy and weird and dismissive, it’s yours.”

There are a million thoughts going through my head right now and none of them seem appropriate to blurt out at this moment, so I go with the least offensive. “What?”

The tears flood her blue eyes and she shakes them away. “My pill must have failed. I don’t know…and…”

I put my hands up, but why? I don’t know. Maybe to get her to stop talking or to prevent her from taking a step closer or maybe because I’m desperate for her to take those words back. “We didn’t have sex, Alli,” I interrupt.

“Still holding onto that, huh?” she snaps, her blue eyes angry and harsh.

“I wouldn’t have fucked you without a condom.”

“Even if we used one, they’re not 100% effective, bio major.” The sarcasm drips from her voice.

“It’s too soon for you to know if—” I start doing some math in my head when she interrupts.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance