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“Yeah, I have a lecture at six.” He leans down and rubs his nose against hers, and she frowns slightly.

“Wait…” She looks at me, and I put my hands up before I slip out of the room to give them some privacy. I hang outside of the kitchen because, evidently, I’m a glutton for punishment and I want to torment myself by witnessing how perfect Aidan and Skyler really are.

“I miss you,” she tells him and I hear the sound of a slow kiss. “And we didn’t finish.” I frown as I suddenly feel like the worst roommate for cockblocking my girl from an orgasm.

“I know, I miss you too. My bed is fucking lonely without you. But your friend needs you. And I get that.” The words go straight to my heart; Aidan really is a gem.

“But I need you. Will you come back later?”

“If I’m going to get lucky, maybe.” She must give him a look because he chuckles. “I’m kidding. Of course, I’ve missed sharing a bed with you.”

“I’ve missed waking up with your mouth between my legs.”

Aaaaand that’s my cue. I move up the stairs two at a time as quietly as I can, to not alert them that I was spying. When I open my door, my mouth drops open when I see what’s on my bed. I swallow as I take in the bouquet of white roses and bring them slowly to my nose.

“He dropped them by a little before you got home.” I hear Skyler’s voice behind me and I turn around to see her giving me a sad smile. “He didn’t look good, Leigh.”

“Worse than me?”

“Way worse.”

I wonder if she’s just saying that because I didn’t know it was possible that anyone could look worse than me right now. My hair looks like I haven’t run a brush through it in days. I’m barely wearing makeup, and I’m on day three of wearing the same pair of leggings.

“I miss him. Does that make me pathetic?” I hate the way my voice sounds. I hate not being sure of myself. I hate everything about this.

“No!” She rushes through the room and engulfs me in a hug. She’s at least three inches shorter than me, making it so her head rested right under my chin. She pulls back and looks up at me. “I would never call you pathetic. This whole thing with Everett is so…gray.”

I shoot her a look. “No, it’s not.”

“Yes, babe, it is. Do I think the situation sucks? Yes. Do I think he’s in the wrong? Also, yes. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to get in that situation. I completely cosign that. But…were you guys technically together? He was still with Alli, if you want to be real.”


“Leigh, Everett has proved that the only person his loyalty lies with is you. Who hasn’t done stupid shit when they’ve been fucked up?”

“So, we’re just allowing it then? So, if he were Aidan, you’d forgive him?”

She bites her bottom lip. “It’s different.”

“How? Because I’ve known Everett eleven years and you’ve known Aidan eleven months?”

She continues to chew her bottom lip, and I instantly feel like shit for talking to her like that. “Don’t take this shit out on me, Leigh. All I’m saying is it’s complicated. If it wasn’t you wouldn’t be hurting this much.” I look at the roses on my bed and run my finger over one of the petals. “Go see him, Leigh. Stop being so fucking stubborn. Or you can waste ten years and then one day he’ll confess his love for you just as you board a flight to Paris for a new job, and you’ll have to get off the plane because you realize you’ve been stupid this whole time and you love him too.” She blinks at me as a smile finds her lips.

I blink my eyes several times at her. “Did you just compare us to Ross and Rachel from FRIENDS?”


“So, you agree they weren’t on a break then?” I raise an eyebrow at her. It’s a back and forth we have every time we watch that season. I believe they weren’t on a break, and Skyler, ever the law student, sees both sides—and sometimes sided with God awful Ross.

“No, Rachel’s an asshole. I mean to be fair, so are you. Look, you get what I’m saying!” She puts her hands on her hips. “Go talk to him.” I nod and let out a breath as I grab my keys and head towards the door when I hear Skyler say my name. “Uhhh, girl you may wanna shower first.”

I’m freshly showered, shaved, exfoliated, and I feel like my old self again. My hair has its luster back, which is currently sporting loose waves that cascade down my back. I’m wearing a pair of clean leggings underneath a long v-neck sweater that shows more than a hint of cleavage under a leather jacket. I’ve put on makeup and perfume and jewelry but quite frankly I don’t know why I did all of this when I’m not even sure what I want.

Because you were thinking with your freshly shaved vagina.

I roll my eyes at my subconscious as I knock on his door later that night. I see the lights flickering in his living room making me believe they’re all home which unfortunately means, we’ll probably have an audience. I go to knock again when Pat and Dave answer the door together, and I resist the urge to make a sarcastic joke. My eyes flit back and forth between them as they step onto the porch and close the door behind them.

“Uhh…what?” I ask wondering why they seem to be skeptical about letting me inside.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance