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“Because you know how I feel about you.” I lean down and press my forehead to hers. “Please…please forgive me. I want this…I want us.”

Her lip trembles and I go for it, hoping she won’t stop me. I cup her face and slowly swipe my lips across hers. She sighs against my mouth like she’s been carrying the weight of the day around and she’s finally letting it go. “You can’t…you can’t do this to me again.”

“Never. Fuck. Never.” I push her hard against the door and wedge my thigh between her legs knowing she loved to rub against me. “Can I take you home?” I ask her as I tug on her bun offering her neck up to me. I press my tongue to her pulse point and draw lazy circles with the tip.

She swallows and I feel her nod against my lips. Fuck. She’s forgiving me. I pull back to look at her and give her the biggest smile.

“You’re not off the hook, Cartwright.” She furrows her brows. “And you’re buying me pizza.”

We make it back to her townhouse and despite the fact that she’s drunk and spent the entire ride home practically in my lap, I kept my hands mostly to myself. We picked up pizza on the way home, and we are barely through the front door before she’s biting into it. “Did you eat before you went out?”

She winces and shakes her head as she kicks off her shoes. “No.”

“You know I hate that shit.” I shoot her a glare and she shrugs sheepishly as she sits on her couch and puts her feet on her coffee table. I sit next to her and drape her legs over my lap to bring her closer to me. I pull her hair from the bun and the few bobby pins, letting her hair spill out over her shoulders. I press my lips to her bare skin and she leans into my touch.

“I…I think we should take it slow.” Her lips speak but her body is saying something different entirely. Her legs are pressed together and her cheeks are growing pink under my gaze.

“You’re saying this to the guy that literally rimmed you till you cried.”

She scoffs and pushes me back. “I did not cry.”

I chuckle. “I’m kidding, well not about the crying thing because you did. But we can take it as slow as you want, baby. Whatever you want,” I whisper. “I’m just…happy that you don’t hate me.”

“I could never hate you,” she tells me.

“You said it earlier…” I recall her words that have been ringing in my head since she spoke them.

“I didn’t mean that.”

I nod. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. I almost ruined everything.”

She shakes her head and pulls her hair over to one side like she does when she’s nervous. “Let’s not talk about it.”

I know Leighton well enough to know this isn’t over, but I also know she’s drunk and my time with her before she’s ready to pass out is numbered.

“Just promise me something?”

“Mmmhm?” She leans her head on my shoulder and I press my lips to her forehead.

“Don’t push me away in the morning.”

The feeling of someone moving pulls me out of my sleep, and I see Leighton pulling her hair up into a ponytail. I’d carried her up the stairs to bed last night and managed to get her undressed and in some sweatpants and a t-shirt—both of which belong to me—before I succumbed to sleep beside her. I had contemplated waking her up to fuck her senseless, but I wanted her to be sober and more importantly sentient before we opened that door again.

“Hey.” I stretch my hands up towards the head of her bed and sit up slightly. “It’s early, come back to bed.”

She narrows her gaze at me. “I think you should leave.”


She shakes her head and leans against her desk. “This didn’t make everything better, Everett. You preying on me while I’m drunk and vulnerable doesn’t mean everything’s okay. I was pretty wasted by the time you saw me, and I let your sweet words and touches convince me that I was over it. I’m not, Everett.”

I sit up further. “Baby…”

“No,” she grits out. “I know you were drunk, and maybe you really don’t remember. But that doesn’t excuse anything, Everett. That doesn’t make everything just automatically forgivable.”

“I know. I’m not trying to use it as an excuse, I just…”

“I know. You love me.” She says as if to say, “so you’ve said before.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance