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He doesn’t move. “Listen, Preston, we should talk.”

“Oh, fuck no, you son of a bitch. The time for talking is way over. I told you to stay away from my daughter.” His voice is laced with venom and I shiver, hearing him speak so angrily.

“How did you even find out?” Landon’s voice is even, but I can hear the nerves.

“Seems your son slipped up to Jana. She called and left me a hysterical message. Viv is certainly beside herself at the news, but she’s having it out with Jana right now.” Good, give her hell, Mama! “And while I relish in the karma for your ex-wife, I am not pleased to hear that it regards MY DAUGHTER! I warned you. TWO MONTHS AGO! I told you to stay away from her!” he roars as he points a finger in Landon’s face before he shoves him with two hands, hard, forcing him backwards.

“Dad!” I move out of the way just in time but Landon’s head still jerks in search of me thinking I’m behind him. The relief is all over his face before he turns back to my father and I’m shocked he doesn’t retaliate. “You don’t understand!” I plead as I try to stand between them to prevent things from getting physical.

“No, Serena. You don’t understand. I told you what kind of man he is. How naive can you be that you don’t see what I’m telling you is true? Or is everyone in the office just full of shit? I know you hear the gossip.”

“Preston, enough,” Landon barks. “And don’t talk to her like that.”

“Are you telling me how to talk to my own daughter? Are you crazy? Get the hell out of my house, Landon. And if you think for one second I’m not going to the board over this, think again. We have rules in place for a reason. To protect our staff from predators like you. From men who just have no regard for the goddamn rules! I should have reported this shit after the first and the second and the fucking tenth! I just never thought you’d go after Serena. I never would have brought her around you.”

“Dad, it’s not like that! I love him.” The tears begin streaming down my face before I can stop them, and I’m not sure if they’re out of anger or sadness or a volatile combination of the two, but before I can stop them I feel arms around me.

“Don’t you dare touch her.”

“Back off, Preston,” Landon snaps and, in this moment, I’m certain if my father made a move to remove me from Landon’s arms, he’d regret it. “Baby, it’s okay,” he murmurs in my ear and it does nothing but make me cry harder. He kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter and I can’t even look at my dad.

“I am not standing for this. Landon, OUT!” he screams.

“I’m going with him,” I tell my dad as Landon releases me from his arms, much to my reluctance. His arms around me are the only way I’ll make it through this nightmare.

“The hell you are.”

“Yes, I am! You’re not going to tell me who I can or can’t be with. You can’t tell me who I can love!” I shake my head and reach for Landon, wrapping my hand in his and I squeeze it hard, my stomach flutters when I feel him squeeze back.

“Serena, you don’t know anything about love. He’s going to break your heart.”

“Maybe he will!” I scream back.

“I would never,” I hear from my right and when I look over, his face looks tortured and confused like he can’t believe I’d actually think he would hurt me.

“I just mean, we don’t know what the future holds,” I sniffle.

“Yes, we do. You, me, babies,” he tells me so honestly that it makes my heart skip a beat.

My breath hitches and fresh tears spring to my eyes as I look at him. “You want…to have a baby with me?”

“Babies as in plural,” he smiles at me, “and I want them all to look like you.” I’m so stunned I can’t speak, but my heart is screaming with happiness. The happiness is brought to a halt when my father speaks again.

“Haven’t you screwed up enough children to last a lifetime?” My dad sneers and my head snaps towards him angrily.

Too fucking far.

“How dare you!” I exclaim and I am officially livid. “That is way over the line.”

“Serena, it’s okay,” Landon says, and when I look at him I see the devastation on his face.

“It is certainly not okay. Dad, I’m twenty-one years old and until now when have I ever showed an interest in anyone? When have I gone out on dates, or brought anyone home? And believe me, guys showed interest. I’d just never met anyone that...I wanted. I don’t expect you to be jumping for joy over it, but I don’t expect for you to act…like this.” My lip trembles, and suddenly I feel everything pouring out of me. “This is just the standard in this family. Skyler has been doing crazy shit her whole life and the one time I don’t toe the line it’s the end of the world. The standards aren’t the same and it’s ridiculous.”

“This is way different and you know it, Serena. He’s old enough to be your father!”

“So, what!” I scream. “I love him. And for once, I just need you on my side. You don’t have to support us, just support me.”

“What the hell does that mean? I’m always on your side, Serena.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance