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I can’t even ignore the smile that crosses my face as I watch my sister, Skyler, and her professor turned boyfriend, Aidan, together. They are actually the cutest, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Skyler so happy and…settled. Skyler was this wild, free spirit and Aidan seems to have grounded her. Not to mention, he loves the shit out of her. Holy hell, is it obvious. The way he looks at her and touches her like she’s the most perfect thing in the world.

It’s the way Landon treats me.

I’ve been on cloud nine since Landon told me he loved me, and it only took me about a millisecond to say it back. A squeal so loud had escaped my lips that I was sure that everyone in the library heard me. I was so in love with Landon West and I wanted to shout it from every rooftop in Connecticut. Now, seeing Skyler and Aidan together out in the open made me want the same. I can’t ignore the pang of jealousy that she’s able to spend Thanksgiving with him, but I wouldn’t be able to see Landon. He’d be home alone, as a matter of fact.

I’m sitting on the adjacent couch staring at the movie Skyler put on, mostly to avoid watching them try not to make out, and to avoid staring at my phone to see if Landon is back in Connecticut. He’d been in New York for a conference with my dad for the past two days and I’ve been climbing the walls to see him, to kiss him, to fuck him. Every part of my body is tense and on high alert in preparation for him to get home, thankful that I already have plans in place to leave as soon as dinner is over so I can see him. I have a date with the love of my life and to not be here while Dad grills Aidan on his intentions with his baby.

“Oh girls, your father called.” My mother enters the room and pulls the apron off from around her waist as her eyes fall to my sister and Aidan. “Skyler Mitchell, please do not put your father into an early grave,” she says as she takes note of their twisted limbs underneath a blanket.

She pulls away from Aidan, whose lips had been planted firmly to her neck and peeks her head up over the top of the couch. “We aren’t doing anything! Rena’s right here, Mama! But I’ll be good, I swear!” She giggles before turning to Aidan and pulling him to his feet. “Let’s go to my room.”

“Ripensaci, signorina.” Think again, young lady, my mother warns. “Help your sister set the table.” She points at me. “Your father and Mr. West will be here soon.”

My eyes dart to the kitchen and my neck snaps so hard I swear I hear it crack. My mouth drops open and then closes and then opens again. Thankfully, Skyler asks my question for me because I am truly at a loss for words.

Skyler’s eyes widen and she tucks a highlighted strand behind her ear. “Mr. West? Why is he coming?” She comes to stand next to me as if to shield me from the storm approaching, and for the first time, I really feel like she has my back. I look over at her, the fear from my eyes reflected in hers and she laces her hand with mine.

“Where are your manners, Skyler?” my mother calls from the kitchen. “He’s your father’s best friend and he’s all alone in that house, poor thing. I think that witch of an ex-wife took their son away for the holidays.” This is true. Thanksgiving isn’t for another week, but Jana decided to take Griffin to her mother’s in Chicago for the week leading up to it.

She really is a witch, or rather, something that rhymes with it.

“And he doesn’t have like…friends to hang out with? I don’t need one of Dad’s friends getting him all riled up while he antagonizes my boyfriend.” Nice save.

“Skyler, you’re being dramatic. Now, help your sister,” she repeats before she disappears up the stairs and Skyler turns to me with a look of fear that matches mine.

“So, should we start taking shots or what?” she asks.

“I appreciate your votes of confidence,” Aidan interjects, as he runs a hand through his dark-brown hair. Objectively, Aidan is a good-looking guy. Being tall, with a muscular build, blue eyes, and the perfect smile, makes Aidan exactly the kind of man Skyler usually goes for, except he isn’t a colossal jerk. Based on what she’s told me, he is kind and compassionate and understands her better than anyone ever had. And the best sex of her life. He continues, “but I think I’ll be okay.”

“I have complete confidence in you.” She wraps her arms around him and presents her lips to him. He accepts with a loud smack causing her to giggle. “But Mr. West…or Landon, is Serena’s boyfriend.”

I blush hearing him being referred to that way. Aidan’s brows furrow together slightly. “I thought your mom said he was your father’s best friend?”

“Yep,” Skyler says as I sink into one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.

As if he’s putting two and two together, he nods. “Well, Serena…” he winces. “Then, I think your sister is right about the shots.”

Later that evening, I’m in the guest house getting ready for, perhaps, what may eventually be known as the dinner from hell. I hadn’t seen Landon in two days and now he’s coming here…to my house…for dinner…with my parents…

This sounds like the worst freaking idea.

Despite my wariness, I still want to look nice, even if Landon can’t openly appreciate it. I’ve pulled on a pair of jeans and an off the shoulder sweater that exposes most of my collarbone and all of my neck. I’ve pulled my hair off to one side and curled it in tight curls that I shook out to create loose waves—a look I know Landon loves. I’m just putting the finishing touches on my makeup when my phone pings with a text.

LW: I’m sure you’ve heard the good news?

Me: Aaaand you couldn’t get out of it?

LW: Is it so bad that I wanted to see my girl?

Me: In front of my parents? Uh yeah? I haven’t seen you in two days! How am I supposed to behave?

LW: Well technically, you’ve seen…some parts of me *winks*

I smirk and scroll up to our texts from yesterday and I’m met with the most glorious dick in the world. Okay, I’m totally biased and it’s the only one I’ve ever seen, but I’m convinced. Last night, I joked that I missed his dick and within minutes he’d sent me a picture.

And it successfully taught me how to masturbate. I guess all I needed was the right material.

Me: Does my dad know?

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance