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Awall of anger comes charging towards me and my eyes widen as I take in Landon’s aggressive stature. His shoulders are square, his angular jaw—that often looks like it could cut glass—looks like it’s ready to slice me in half. He’s like a bull and I’m that red cape they wave in front of it, provoking it. Testing it. Fuck.

My eyes dart to the guy next to me. Micah, the sweet TA from my senior seminar that doesn’t deserve what he’s about to witness. The man that’s going to get caught in the crosshairs of this destruction. He doesn’t see the storm headed our way, as his gaze is cast downward, his highlighter dragging over the words in the textbook, unbeknownst to the murderous glare Landon is giving us. I can hear the sounds of Clair de Lune flowing out of his earbuds and I can only hope that Landon keeps his voice down for more reasons than us being in a quiet library.

He stands in front of our table, for a moment, and due to the quiet atmosphere, I swear I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. Despite the weird space we’re in, the noise has a direct line with the pounding between my legs. My eyes leave his and immediately go to his crotch, my eyes raking over the bulge growing behind the jeans. I lick my lips, and my teeth find my bottom lip as I try to ignore the feelings of lust coursing through me.

He’s extraordinarily gorgeous when he’s angry. Wow.

When my eyes find his again, they’re softer, as if my lustful gaze has calmed him a little and just like that another feeling spikes inside of me. I swallow, trying to calm the burn in my throat and wishing I hadn’t just finished off the last of the water in front of me. I let out a breath, just as his lips mouth one word.


I stand, not bothering to alert the guy next to me that I’m leaving. I move past Landon, letting the familiar scent surround me, and my senses immediately recognize the smell. My body begins to prepare itself, having affiliated Landon’s scent with coming…a lot. I feel the moisture between my legs with every step and just when I think I can’t get any wetter, I feel his hand at my lower back.

I try to walk faster to pull away from his grasp as we pass rows and rows of books, people sleeping between them, their heads resting on their open books as they prepare for the end of the semester, but his hand only tightens around me.

I pull him into a room, the stacks, to be more specific. A small room tucked in the back of all libraries that according to Zoey, was infamous for intermittent study breaks. Study breaks which were a euphemism for sex.

The small room is dimly lit, giving the lighting of a scary movie, which is perfect because the look in Landon’s brown eyes is absolutely terrifying. Those eyes search my face, his nostrils flaring as he takes deep breaths in and out.

He’s pissed.

No shit, Serena! “Landon, I—” His eyes move to my lips, just as his hands find my neck, stroking my pulse point that quivers every few moments.

“Quiet,” he murmurs, as he lowers his lips to ghost along my cheek and down my neck.

I ignore his order, feeling slightly braver than usual. “I asked you not to come here.” The bite into my flesh, makes me regret it. “Ow, Landon.” I raise my hands to his chest and push back, but his hands are faster, reaching around me and gripping my hips tightly, keeping us pressed against each other. “Landon, stop...”

“No.” His eyes squeeze shut as he turns his head away from me, and I wonder if he’s trying to hide how angry he is or something else entirely. “Who’s the guy?” he grits out as I feel his cock rocking against me and I find myself slowly raising on my tiptoes so that it will rub against my sex and not my navel. “Is he why you didn’t want me to come? Why you ran out of there this morning? You have a hot study date?” His tone is mocking, but if I’m not mistaken there’s a hint of hurt underlying.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Landon. He’s my teacher’s assistant. He’s helping me with my paper. A paper I told you I had to work on.”

“You left.” He stops his ministrations and backs up to stare at me. He looks like he’s at war with himself. “So, you get mad at me, and then hang out with another guy?”

“You know that’s not what this is. You’re overreacting,” I tell him as I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Careful, Bambi. You’re on thin fucking ice. I told you, no dinner, no coffee, no other fucking men, Serena. Don’t you dare pretend like you think I’d be okay with this,” he snarls in a tone so gruff and aggressive I feel my knees buckle slightly.

I straighten and put my hands on my hips. “Landon, we’re studying! That is not the same and you know it. I didn’t think...”

“Didn’t think what? Think I’d be insanely jealous to find you alone with another man? And you claim to have this high IQ.” His hands move under my dress and between my legs. It’s one of the last of the warm days in Connecticut and I figured I would celebrate the occasion with bare legs under my final dress of the season. The jury is out on whether this was a good decision or a bad one. I whimper when his hand makes contact with the waistband of my panties. He snaps the fabric against my skin and I flinch when it ignites a fire between my legs.

“You’ve ignored me all fucking day. You could barely look at me this morning, and now I show up here and you’re with some asshole?”

“You’re the only asshole here,” I grumble. Really, Serena, you think poking the beast is going to help?

I smirk inwardly. It might.

“Careful, Serena.”

He gets down on one knee in front of me and raises my dress and presses his face to my sex. “I’m going to fuck you here. With my mouth, so you remember just who you fucking belong to. So, you remember that when I say no other men, it means no fucking other men. Before we leave, you’re going to come…twice, and then when you’ve successfully done so, we’re going to walk out of here. You will then politely or not so politely, frankly, I couldn’t give a fuck either way, tell your little friend that this study date is officially over, and then I’m going to spend the rest of tonight fucking your pretty pussy in my bed.”

“Landon…” I whimper as I feel his breath on that slick skin between my thighs. My underwear has already been sent down my legs when he presses his lips to my sex.

It only takes one lick through my folds for me to forget that just this morning I had wanted to put space between us. Space, so that he could figure out things with his son, and space so that I could learn to detach myself from him in preparation for when he inevitably ended things.

Those feelings are long gone.

Landon’s mouth on my sex felt like every single one of my nerves were standing on end; a feeling so intense that I can’t pinpoint exactly where the source is coming from. It feels like a storm is brewing underneath my skin that is prepared to do significant catastrophic damage. It feels like he’s setting me on fire, a full-blown inferno he’s started with his tongue.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance