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“Everyone is looking at you and it drives me insane. Their eyes feasting on you when they think no one is looking. When they think I’m not looking. You have no idea how gorgeous you are.” His lips find my ear, and he takes it between his teeth.

I smile at his words. “I think you’re exaggerating.”

“And I think you need to come again. Lie back.” I giggle in response as he moves us quickly so that he’s hovering over me. “Part your legs,” he whispers and reaches under his t-shirt that I happened to be wearing. “You’re sore, but not too much for my mouth.” He winks at me as he descends down my body, leaving feather kisses in his wake as he makes it to my pussy. He’s just about to make contact with my sex when the doorbell rings, followed by three raps. I frown as he sits up looking towards the door and then back at me. “Who the hell could that be?” He crosses the length of the room and peeks his head out of the window and when his head snaps back to look at me, his eyes are wide. “Shit,” he whispers. “It’s your dad.”

“What!” I exclaim.

“Go upstairs. Don’t make a sound,” he urges as he leads me out of the room before he presses a kiss to my lips. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.”

I scramble up the stairs, but I don’t go to his room. I sit on the step as I prepare to hear what my dad has to say.

Thank God he had me park in the garage. Imagine if my dad saw my car parked out front.

I hear the door open and his voice floods the room. “Lan.”

“P.” I hear the door close and a few steps but I believe they’re congregated in the foyer and I wonder if it’s because Landon didn’t hide the two wine glasses sitting on his coffee table or the obvious fact that he isn’t alone.

“Staying in tonight?”


“Listen, Landon, about earlier…” I hear a deep sigh. “I was an asshole. I know you’d never hurt my daughter…you’d never be inappropriate with her. I never should have insinuated that you’d do that shit. To us. To Viv…” He trails off and I can’t stop the tears from welling in my eyes. I press my hand to my mouth as I think about what it’s going to do to my father when he finds out. What it’s going to do to Landon and my father’s relationship when this comes out.

Would we ever come out?

Landon doesn’t say anything and the awkward silence dwells on. I crane my head, thinking maybe they’re whispering when I hear my father’s voice again. “Okay, well…do you want to go grab a drink, maybe?”

“Actually, now’s not a good time.” I can’t see Landon’s face, but I do hear the dismissive tone in his voice.

“Company?” My father asks, and I note the implication.

“Nope. Just doing some work.”

“Well, want to watch the game? Pats should be on in an hour.”

“P, tonight’s not a good night. How about tomorrow?”

“What’s with you, man?” he asks. “Come out with me. Are things still going on…with you and,” he clears his throat, “Miss Barrett?”

“No,” he barks, and I can’t ignore the twinge of jealousy that comes from hearing her name. “That’s over.”

“And she hasn’t quit yet, I’m shocked.” I hear the lightness in his tone, and I’m sure he has a smile on his face.

“Preston, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

“Alright. Well…” I hear his him trail off and then more silence after a bit of shuffling. “Two wine glasses?”



“You couldn’t just be up front? I would have left. Where’d you meet this one? God, please tell me no one from the firm?”

I don’t hear him reply and I wonder if he’s shooting him a look because my dad speaks again.

He chuckles. “Alright, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess. Enjoy your night.”

The door closes and then I hear Landon coming up the stairs. He turns the corner and then he’s kneeling on the stair in front of me. “Serena,” he whispers.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance