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“You…you want me to stop? I mean you didn’t come.” She leans forward and grabs my dick again.

Just let her finish.

“Sweetheart, I promise you can later. I have to hit the gym before I go in anyway.”

“You’d rather workout than…” She looks at my dick and then up at me with a cheeky smirk.

No? But your daddy issues are showing and it’s fucking with my head.

Why? It’s not like you want her for more than just sex…

You’re not capable of more than that.


A million thoughts run through my head and I can only imagine what my face looks like in response. I can’t do this with her staring at me.

“Come to my office when you get in.” I help her to her feet and pull my boxers and sweats up.


I throw on a shirt and follow her downstairs and out to her car. Judging by the placement of the sun, I would say it’s about 7 AM. She reaches up on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around my neck and I can hear her inhaling my scent. “Thanks for letting me stay.”

I kiss the side of her head, wondering how in the hell I’m going to make sense of the feelings I have for her. When she pulls back, she presses her lips to mine in a kiss so needy and deep that I can’t help but succumb to the pleasure. I press her against her car, tangling my hands in her hair and kissing her like I don’t have nosy neighbors that already know too much about my life. I can taste my cock on her tongue, reminding me that I’m the only one that’s been there and it awakens the caveman inside of me struggling to claw it’s way out. When I pull away, I can actually see the stars in her eyes before I let my eyes drift down to her swollen and wet lips and just like that I’m hard as a rock.

“Bye Landon.” She giggles before she disappears into her car and pulls out of my driveway. I doubt she’s even to the end of my street before I’m back inside with my hand wrapped around my dick.

A timid knock on my door has me out of my seat instantly, despite the conference call I’m on. Holding the phone to my ear I open the door, prepared for Serena to walk through. I haven’t quite come to terms with what exactly I’m feeling, but I know I want to be near her. I know that even if I can’t be with her, I can help her work through these issues. I can give her what she wants. I can give her…me. And when she’s finished, I will let her go.

It’s just the chase. The forbidden fruit. Like Olivia said.

Speak of the Devil.

I’m instantly irritated when I see Olivia standing at the door. “I’m on a call, what?” I snap at her.

“Your files.” She holds them in front of my face. “Valerie asked me to give them to you.”

Bullshit. Valerie lives by the notion of ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself.’ “What did you pay her to let you come hand deliver this?” I snatch them from her and walk away, hoping she gets the message.

“You’re so tense.” She purrs.

“I’m on a call,” I bark at her, hoping she gets the message that she needs to get the hell out of my office.

“You used to eat my pussy during those so-called calls.”

“Used to.”

“Look, I get you’re pissed. I was in a weird headspace that day. I don’t want to end this.”

Who didn’t see this coming?

I continue looking down at the files she delivered like she isn’t standing in front of me with a sign screaming, “Please fuck me, Daddy, I’m sorry.”

“Miss Barrett, that part of our relationship is over.”

“Oh, come on, you remember how good it was, don’t you?” Her voice suddenly sounds like nails on a chalkboard and makes me long for the softer voice that was whispering in my ear all night.

“Olivia, you were right. It’s best we end it now.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance