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Soft hands and kisses rouse me from sleep at what I assume to be an unGodly hour if my alarm hasn’t gone off yet. “Landon, I have to go,” she whispers against my lips before she peppers kisses along my jaw.

I grumble in response to her words knowing that it means there’s no time for me to taste her. “Why didn’t you wake me sooner? I want to make you come again.” I pull her warm body underneath mine, and I’m grateful that she’s still naked. Not surprisingly, seeing as how I still had a vice grip on her body when I woke up.

“I don’t have time,” she whines as she looks at the clock next to my bed. “I have to be in class in less than two hours and I still have to go home and grab my things.” I press my cock that’s hardening by the second into her naked sex and she whimpers in response. “Landon…”

“Will I see you later?” I ask. I press my lips to her neck and grind harder against her, causing a rush of air to leave her lungs.

Somewhere deep inside of me, I feel the breakthrough forming in response to my question. You actually care, huh? That’s new.

“Yes, I’ll be in this afternoon.”

“Come to my office when you get there.”

“Landon…I can’t just…”

“Come to my office, Serena. I mean it.” I pull back and give her a look that lets her know I’m serious.

She shakes her head, a sneaky smile playing on her lips. “You’re going to get us in trouble.”

I ignore her comment, knowing I plan to keep her out of the line of fire. “Text me when you get to campus…” I start. “Actually, text me when you get home too.”

She nods. “Okay.” I let her leave the bed and follow her with my eyes. Even under the low light of the room, she glows and her naked body calls out to me on the most primal level. I watch as she grabs her clothes from the chair and slides them on in what seems to be slow motion. Tease. “You’re staring.”

“You’re beautiful.”

I stand up and walk over towards her, but her eyes are fixed about four feet south of my eyes. She bites her lip and my cock jumps in response. Once I’m standing right in front of her, I lift her chin to meet my gaze. “See something you like?”

She nods. “I want…I want to see it.”


She nods. “Please? You saw everything last night. It’s only fair.”

“So, you want me to take it out for you to look at it? Are you trying to kill me, Serena?”

“Just a peek.”

“You’re a tease, you know that?” Serena had tried to get my pants off last night, on more than one occasion, but I wanted last night to be about her. And I wasn’t sure that I trusted myself to be completely naked around her while she was completely naked. I didn’t want her to feel pressured to do anything and a hard dick can be pretty persuasive.

She looks up at me, giving me that look that says you’re going to do it anyway, don’t argue with me as her hands find the waistband of my sweats. Her cool fingers touch my warm skin just above my briefs and I shudder. “Serena…” My voice is raspy and deep, both from sleep and this hunger for her that’s growing more aggressive by the second, making me feel like I’m hanging on by an actual thread.

I watch with bated breath as she lowers herself to the ground, sliding my sweats down to my ankles. I can feel her breath on my thighs and I don’t want her to feel like she has to do this. “Baby, you don’t—”

“Shhh,” she interrupts me. “I’ve never seen a penis before.” She blurts out.

“They don’t look that different than the ones in porn.” I chuckle. “I mean mine will be bigger.” I smirk.

She swallows. “Well…I don’t watch porn…ever. I mean, I’ve never seen a pornographic film.”

A film? God, she’s cute. “Never?”

“I mean maybe in a biology class or something?”

“No, I mean…you’ve never watched porn?”

“No?” She looks up at me. Her hands find my briefs and before I can say anything she’s tugged them down my legs and my erection juts out, almost hitting her in the face as it bobs up and down.

Her mouth drops open and it takes every amount of restraint I have not to inch my cock towards it. Fucking hell, Landon. Don’t you dare.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance