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There’s a special place in hell for people like me. Men like me. For men that let things get too far with women they shouldn’t touch in the first place. What am I doing? Is Olivia, right? Did I get such a hard-on for young pussy that I’m willing to take P’s daughter’s virginity? Shit, this is so fucked up. I scratch my jaw and shoot her a sideways glance to find her eyeing me over the tops of her glasses. She peeks up at me through her lashes and for a brief moment I’ve forgotten that she has no experience. Because that look she’s giving me is one of a seasoned veteran.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks, and I try to ignore the breathiness of her voice. Fuck. Is she seducing me? Her hand reaches up and traces my jaw gently, ghosting her tips over my lips and I resist the urge to suck them into my mouth.

“I’ve…” I clear my throat, preparing to say the words that may have her walking out my front door without another look back. “I’ve done some pretty shitty things in my past, Serena. I’ve hurt…women, not on purpose.” I close my eyes, preparing myself for her response to the brutal honesty. “Sometimes on purpose, but mostly just by being myself.” I look at her and she’s just staring at me with that doe-eyed look that makes my dick hard and my heart soft.

“You don’t have to treat me like my father does, Landon.”

I narrow my gaze at her, wondering where she’s going with that.

“I certainly do not.”

“My father underestimates me. He thinks I’m not ready for anything. That I’ll need him and Mom to hold my hand my whole life. I’ll admit I was scared at first. But what eighteen year old isn’t scared about leaving home? It’s been four years and I’m ready to spread my wings and fly from the nest. So, you don’t have to give me a warning about…you. I’m a big girl, and I can make my own decisions. I’m here, which means I want to be. Yes, I’m a little nervous about…” she clears her throat and her face turns a delicious shade of pink, “that, but I want this. You told me to ask for what I want. Well, I want…you.”

My dick is painfully hard hearing her confident speech about what she wants. That she wants me. I’m used to women beating around the bush, playing hard to get or coy or not being transparent with their feelings. Her honesty is refreshing and, frankly, it makes me want to rip her clothes off of her and impale her with my dick. “Fuck, Serena.” I pull her to straddle me and she sinks down into my lap, shifting to get comfortable. “What did I tell you about that?” I groan as I steady her hips before she causes my dick to burst in my pants.

“It feels…good.” Her gaze is hooded, and her lips part as her breathing begins to accelerate. I trace her skin trying to memorize every feature on her beautiful face. The freckle on her nose, how perfectly defined her lips are, the traces of honey and amber that are in her hazel eyes. She is so beautiful. A beautiful blank canvas that she is asking me to paint. She presses her hands to my chest and leans in closer. “I never thought I would be the one talking you off the ledge.” She giggles.

“You’re not. I’m not…I’m just soaking you in.”

“Can I ask you something?” Her eyes are warm and genuine, and it makes me want to tell her everything. I nod, keeping my eyes fixed on hers as she slides off of me and I sit up. “Why doesn’t your son live here…with you?” Her brows furrow slightly, and I wonder if she’s trying to think of the right way to phrase what she has to say. “You have the space, and I saw some of his things in the spare room. But he doesn’t live here? I would just think a sixteen year old boy would want to live with his dad.”

My face falls and I feel that familiar feeling flooding through my veins, hurt mixed with rage mixed with confusion. I want Griffin around and it kills me that he doesn’t want to spend time with me. I’m angry at his mother for making that impossible, and him for allowing himself to be brainwashed. I’d been there for him his whole life, and now I am suddenly cast aside over lies his mother has told him. “It’s complicated.” She gives me a look that says ‘try anyway.’ “Actually, it’s quite simple. He’d rather live with his mom. He’s mad at me right now.”

“Because you can’t fix the DUI? That’s not fair.”

“Not just because of the DUI. There’s a few other reasons.”

“Have you tried talking to him?”

“Of course, I have.” I’d shown up at school, his after-school job, his football practices. “He won’t talk to me.”

“Try harder, Landon. Kids want someone to fight for them. They want a father that cares enough to fix the problems between them even when we act like spoiled brats. Even when we tell you that you’ll never understand us. We want you to try.” Is she speaking from personal experience? She can’t be…Preston and Viv adore her and Skyler. They have the perfect family.

“You don’t understand, Serena…”

“There’s nothing to understand. He’s your son and he needs you whether he thinks so or not. He might push you away, but he wants you to push back. Whatever it is, you can fix it. You’ll regret it later if you don’t.”

Her words feel like a punch in the gut. Am I failing him by not pushing back? “His mother has fed him…a bunch of lies. Put him in the middle of us.” I clear my throat.

She climbs into my lap and buries her face in my neck and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to comfort me or her. But I feel tension leaving my body in waves as she snuggles in closer. “Tell him the truth. Don’t let her villainize you. Have you even tried?”

“She has him so brainwashed. Told him I cheated on her. That I’m the reason we are getting divorced. I’m the reason our family is breaking up. Kids resent that kind of shit.” I swallow back the anger I feel towards my father who’d walked out on us when I was fifteen after a slew of affairs. That’s different. You’re nothing like that asshole.

She pulls back to look at me and her lip trembles slightly; her empathy astounds me. “I’m sorry,” she says softly. Her glossy, hazel eyes are almost brown as they shine with a level of sadness that I wasn’t expecting. It’s almost as if she feels the pain I feel.

“She’s the one that had the affair. but I would never tell him that.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to pass my issues with Jana onto to my son. That’s not fair. And for the most part…she’s a decent mother.”

“That’s admirable, Landon.”

“I don’t want him to hate her. But is it so wrong to not want him to hate me either?”

She doesn’t say anything, she just presses her lips to mine gently, sliding her tongue through my lips as her hand drifts down my chest, rubbing circles into it. It’s a different kind of answer.

It isn’t pity.

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance