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Staring up into his smoldering blue eyes, her heart began to beat double time and her breathing became shallow. Before they took such an important step, she really needed to tell him about being Emmie’s father. “Josh, I…want you, too. But—”

Pressed tightly against her, she felt his body surge at her admission. “There’s no ‘buts’ about it. Do you want me, Kiley?”

“Yes, but we need to talk about something first,” she said, wondering why she couldn’t sound more insistent.

“Honey, we can talk as much as you want later on,” he said, leading her off the dance floor. They stopped by their table for her clutch and evening wrap and came face-to-face with Sam as they turned toward the exit.

“Hey, where are you two going? The night’s still young,” he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

“Can it, bro,” Josh said, glaring at his twin.

Seemingly unaffected by his brother’s displeasure, Sam turned to her. “It was very nice to meet you, Kiley. If this boneheaded brother of mine gives you any problems, you just let me know.”

Kiley smiled and nodded. “I enjoyed meeting you and Lila, as well.”

“You and Lila have a nice evening and I’ll see you at work on Monday, Sam,” Josh said over his shoulder as he hurried her toward the exit. Fortunately the other couples were out on the dance floor and they didn’t have to explain their early departure to anyone else.

As they stood beneath the twinkling white lights as they waited for the valet to bring Josh’s Mercedes to the front entrance, she felt compelled to try again to tell him about Emmie before things between them went any further. “Josh, please. It’s really important that I talk to you about—”

He cut her off with a deep, lingering kiss, then, lightly running his finger along her jaw, he smiled. “I give you my word that we’ll discuss whatever is on your mind tomorrow. But tonight is all about us, Kiley. This thing—this need—between us has been building since you walked into the meeting room to address the funding committee, and it’s past time we explored it.”

Her pulse raced as he helped her into the car, then drove away from the TCC clubhouse. There was no question that the chemistry between them was explosive, but was she ready to take what seemed like the next natural step with Josh? She still hadn’t managed to tell him that he was Emmie’s real father.

“We aren’t going back to my house?” she asked when he steered the Mercedes toward his ranch.

The look he gave her sent heat sweeping throughout her entire body and she forgot anything else she was about to say. “You’ve slept in my bed without me,” he said, his voice low and intimate. “But not tonight.” Reaching across the car’s console, he took her hand in his and raised it to his mouth to kiss. “Tonight I’m going to hold you and make love to you the way you were meant to be loved. And I’m not about to let anything interrupt that.”

The promise in his words and the look on his handsome face caused her to shiver with anticipation, and by the time they reached his ranch, she knew she really didn’t have any choice in the matter. Heaven help her, she wanted to once again experience the power of his lovemaking, needed to feel as cherished as when he’d made love to her that night three years ago.


When they reached his place, Josh led her directly into his bedroom, closed the door and turned on the bedside lamp. Taking her wrap and sequined clutch from her, he placed them on the dresser, then, turning back, he took her in his arms. Any second thoughts she might have had evaporated like the morning mist on a warm summer’s day when he lowered his head to capture her lips with his.

His firm mouth moved over hers with an expertise that left her breathless, and she realized that no other man’s kiss had ever caused her to react quite the way Josh’s did. With sudden clarity, she knew no other man’s kiss ever would.

Running his hands along her sides, he nibbled his way down the side of her neck to the base of her throat. “Honey, would you like to know what I’ve been thinking ever since you opened your door this evening and I saw you in this slinky black dress?”

“I—I’m not sure,” she admitted. She shivered with anticipation when he brought his hand up and trailed his index finger along the V neckline of her gown.

“All I’ve been able to do is think of ways to take it off you,” he whispered, kissing her collarbone and the valley between her breasts. “And when we were dancing I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t lose my mind.”

Tags: Kathie Denosky Billionaire Romance