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Chapter 14 - Grayson: Hold Me

I could taste the champagne on her lips as our lips melded together.

This was not part of the plan. This was the exact opposite of the plan, but at that moment, I didn’t give two shits about what was part of the plan and what wasn’t. I was hungry, and I had a craving for Jade Masters.

I traced my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for access. She denied me access, and I could feel the smile playing on her lips. The little tease. I placed my hand on her hip and squeezed gently, causing her to gasp. I took the chance to plunge my tongue into her mouth.

Our tongues tangled together for dominance. She pushed and pulled. She tasted like everything I remembered and loved. She was sweet, but she also had an edge to her.

Her hands found their way into my hair. Her fingers threaded through my strands until she got to the nape of my neck. She pulled on the hair gently, earning her a hungry growl from me.

I was tired of craning my neck down, so I grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her. She wound her legs around me and secured herself around my waist. Our lips never once disconnected. We kept on battling for dominance, fighting each other at every corner.

Her hands traveled from my hair to my shoulders. She pulled away gently, leaning her forehead against mine. Her breaths came out labored and hot.

“I’m going to need you with a lot less clothes on, sweetheart.” I kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Is there a bed?” she panted.

I nodded and started moving towards the stairs. She was about to unwind herself from me, but I held her closer.

“And where do you think you are going?”

“You can’t climb the stairs with me in your arms.”

“Who said I can’t?”

“What if you drop me? I’m heavy.”

“Jade, I can pick you up with one hand.” I chuckled. “I think I can manage just fine.”

I started making my way up the stairs, and Jade took my momentary distraction as an opportunity to trail wet hot kisses all along my jaw. I could feel my cock twitching in my pants, and I knew that if she continued this, we wouldn’t make it to the bed in time.

“Keep that up, and I’m going to fuck you over the railing.” I slapped her ass for good measure.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” she said against my skin.

She continued her assault, as I picked up my pace slightly to get to the bedroom quicker.

I walked to the master bedroom, kicked the door open, moved over to the bed and laid her down. I came to the cabin every other week just to forget about the world. I only ever used the master bedroom and the kitchen so that was why most of the house was draped over.

Jade was looking up at me with those sex goddess eyes that had me feeling impatient. I started undoing the buttons on my dress shirt but then she stopped me.

She sat up on the bed and reached for my belt. “Let me do the honors.”

She rose to her knees on the bed and pulled my shirt out of my pants, so she could slide her arms underneath my shirt. Her cold hands trailed up my torso and then down again. She used her nails ever so slightly. I felt all the blood rush to my cock, and I knew I was hard as a rock down there.

I reached behind me and pulled the shirt over my head. When I looked down at Jade again, she was smiling and taking her time just to tease me.

She reached for my belt again and, in no time at all, it was off, and she was pulling off my trousers, leaving me only in my boxers.

She was about to go for my boxers, but I halted her hands.

“My turn.” My voice came out low and thick with lust. I wanted to undress and marvel in the beauty that was Jade Masters.

“By all means.” She sat on her legs and looked up at me with her big doe eyes and fuck me if I didn’t just cum then and there.

I took a step away from the bed. “Stand.”

Tags: Lexi Asher Lakeside Love Romance