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“How the hell did I get this lucky?” Cash muttered as if to himself. “The two of you are hot as fuck and you’re letting me be part of this?”

He laid his palm between her shoulder blades and pressed until her chest was mashed to Aarav’s, doing nothing to lessen her anticipation. They made out, and while they did, Cash’s cock probed at the place where they were joined.

Aarav hissed as Cash’s dick slid along his and stretched Sola around them. She was relaxed, incredibly prepared, and so damn glad when holding the two of them inside her widened her eyes, and her pussy.

“Holy fuck.” She crushed her mouth to Aarav’s and kissed him furiously as he and Cash developed some sort of unspoken plan that involved Aarav burying himself in her as Cash withdrew and then Aarav pulling back so Cash could advance, all the while slipping across each other as she held them bundled together.

Sola lost track of who was touching her where. Someone massaged her breasts while someone else kissed her and they both fucked the shit out of her. All she could do was cling to them and hold on as a storm of passion raged around her. Aarav’s earlier orgasm and Cash’s monumental restraint meant they didn’t race for the finish either.

They worked her, and each other inside her, endlessly as her body adjusted to holding them both then began to climb inexorably toward climax.

“Shit.” Cash growled and bit her shoulder. “This is a first for me too, but it won’t be a last. I can feel you both. You’re killing me.”

After so many months doubting Aarav’s attraction to her, this was balm for Sola’s soul in addition to pleasure for her body. There was no doubt, as she was stretched wide and held between them, that both of these men wanted her.

That deep-seated knowledge tripped something inside her, pushing her past the point of no return. “Aarav! Cash! I’m going to…”

She didn’t finish her sentence because Cash roared, giving each of them the permission they needed to surrender together. “Me too. Aarav, let’s go.”

Aarav shuddered beneath her, lurching up as his body spasmed. Cash mimicked him, curling over her back as he embedded himself completely within her. Both men groaned and grunted as she drained them dry, making a mess of each other even as they saturated her pussy with their releases.

Sola had never experienced such blinding ecstasy as she did in those seemingly endless moments where white hot pleasure flooded every cell of her being.

Then she wasn’t the only one with noodles for limbs.

The three of them collapsed into a pile in the middle of Aarav’s thankfully oversized bed. Sola ended up sandwiched by them, which she did not intend to bitch about. Aarav gathered her to him, her back plastered to his front. He wrapped his top arm and leg over her, keeping her secure and warm in his hold. Cash rolled to his side so he could study them as their heartrates returned to somewhat normal even if it took longer than when she ran ten miles.

None of them spoke. She figured that was for the best because she was terrified of ruining the perfection of the moment. Especially since she was certain that she didn’t only want this to be a one-night stand. And if she felt that longing for something more permanent, then Aarav certainly would.

It was likely he was already attached to Cash, if not through the same deep emotions he’d told her he had for her—thrilling her after months of anticipation and doubt—then via some intense but maybe short-lived bond created by their situation, the high stakes, and Sola’s reaction to this man who’d turned her from conflicted to brazen.

But what if her attraction to Cash and where it had led them meant that Aarav got hurt?

Would it wreck the budding relationship they’d struggled so tirelessly to forge?

What they’d done, and being honest about her desires, was a huge gamble. Like Cash’s dad, she might very well have gotten herself in too far. And now it was too late to go back.

She knew what this felt like. Had experienced the joy brought to her by two men who put her pleasure first and one who already held her heart. She feared she’d taken the biggest risk of her life, and she hoped it paid off.


Aarav cracked up as he watched Legend playing unnecessarily aggressive air hockey with his partner, Tavish. When the puck launched over the table and smacked Tavish in his iron six-pack, he unleashed a string of curses. His Scottish accent got thicker when he was agitated.

Funny, over the past two weeks Sola and Cash had said the same thing happened to Aarav when they were making love. Which they had done often in their near nightly marathon sessions. He was short on sleep but wasn’t complaining one bit.

While Jordan had been consulting with experts on how to best approach the Jay Barber situation, they’d been spending every moment together, learning to live with each other and finding out how similar they were despite the different corners of the world and stations in life they’d been raised in. Even when hanging out with the larger Shields team and their families as they were now in the lounge. No one was out on assignment so they were scattered mostly between the gym, the kitchen, and this recreational area except for Laurel, Nolan, and Jace, who had snuck off to their own apartment for some afternoon alone time. They were making the most of the days before Jace left on tour with Kason later that month.

Aarav didn’t blame them. Now that he’d had Sola and Cash in his bed every night, he didn’t want to think about how cold and lonely it would be without them by his side.

“It’s nice to see you smiling so damn much lately,” James said as he plopped onto the oversized beanbag chair next to the couch the three of them were monopolizing.

“Is that your way of reminding me that you were right all along when you kept encouraging me to confess my feelings to Sola?” Aarav wondered.

“I’m subtle like that. Yup.” James laced his fingers, then turned them inside out until they cracked. “Now that you’re on the right track, I think I’ll turn my attention to Ruby, Ace, and Liam.”

Aarav, Sola, and Cash redirected their gazes to where Ruby flailed at thin air, a white virtual reality headset covering her eyes and headphones in her ears. Utterly oblivious, she had no idea that Ace and Liam were ogling her as if she were practicing on the stripper pole again instead of stumbling around looking ludicrous to anyone outside of her binary world. They clearly thought everything she did was adorable in its prime geekiness.

“They’re hopeless.” Aarav felt smug enough to call it like he saw it now that he wasn’t the one making a fool of himself.

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic