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“You’re catching on quick, newcomer,” Sevan teased from where she sat between her husbands, Ransom and Levi.

“Thanks.” Cash held out his hand to her and then her guys, introducing himself officially.

“We’re about to make a few plates. There’s some leftover chicken and stuff to whip together a salad. Want to help?” Levi offered as they drew Cash aside.

“Yeah sure. Thanks.” Cash looked over at Sola, then went along when she didn’t object.

Sola didn’t try to eavesdrop when Sevan lowered her voice, figuring she was sharing something personal given how she could relate to Cash. After all, her own stepfather had been the president of an outlaw motorcycle gang that she’d gone undercover to stop. Sola backed up a bit, giving them space.

Aarav wandered to the cabinet where he kept a stash of his precious tea and all the related accessories he required to brew a perfect cup.

“Hey, come chat a second.” James patted the bench beside his spot at the long table that could easily seat an army.

Sola sank beside him, across from their medic, Kennedy, and Ruby—her two closest friends—who were also giving her curious stares. “What’s up?”

“First of all, how are you?” he asked.

“Fine. My back is sore, and I think I just about dislocated my arm, but it’ll be good as new in a few days. Cash was being a bit dramatic before. It wasn’t that bad.” She neglected to discuss how she’d clung to him for dear life, praying her dress would hold if her sweaty fingers slipped even a fraction of an inch.

“I’m glad to hear it, and Kennedy will verify before too long, I’m sure, but that’s not what I meant.” James stared at her, giving her the don’t-act-dumb look he should patent. “You and Aarav. It happened, didn’t it?”

“Yup.” She nodded, peeking over at Aarav being adorable, measuring out his loose leaf and sugar so damn precisely. Setting his milk off to the side, just so.

“I could tell immediately.” James grinned. “He’s so…emotional. I mean, for him. Did you see how pissed he got at Jordan and how he let it out? You’re good for him, Sola.”

“I don’t know about that.” She bit her lip. “Uh, I don’t want to spill his personal business…”

“Girl, every single person who works here watched Knox fuck me on assignment that one time.” Kennedy talked with her hands, trying to convey how absurd she thought Sola was being. “We’ve walked in on half the people here screwing in the hot tub at some point or other and heard most of the rest. It’s not like we have a lot of secrets around here.”

“I’ll help. Just nod if I’m right.” James jumped in. “He was a virgin, wasn’t he?”

Sola bit her lip. She needed advice. These people loved them both and would try to steer her in the right direction. So she nodded.

“I’m sure you rocked his world.” Ruby smiled, apparently happy for both of them.

“You know why, don’t you?” James leaned in closer.

“He told me he’s demisexual. I generally get that, but I haven’t had a chance to read up and fully understand the intricacies of what that means.” She met James’s curious gaze. “Can you give me the rundown?”

“Of course. Because I don’t want either of you to accidentally get hurt. It means, by default, Aarav’s feelings are involved. Otherwise he wouldn’t be attracted to you.”

“Oh. Are you sure?” He’d told her as much, but that wasn’t what was confusing her.

“Positive. So be careful with him,” James advised. “He’s not capable of fucking just to get off or to have a good time, even if you are.”

“Okay, but then…”

“What?” Kennedy wondered, her concerned stare raking Sola’s face.

“Why does it seem like there’s this…energy…between me, him, and Cash?” Sola was honest. “From the moment I saw him in that casino, I felt it. And last night…”

“What about it?” Ruby took a gulp of her ice water as if she needed to cool down at the thought alone.

“I mean, nothing tangible. Not really. We didn’t have some kind of threeway or something, but let’s just say, Cash is clearly not turned off by us. He, uh, was pretty obvious about that. And it didn’t seem to freak Aarav out like being around me has these past several months. So what the fuck does that mean?”

“It might mean you’ve gotten as lucky as the rest of these fuckers,” Ruby grumbled.

“You could too if you invited Ace and Liam over to watch a movie and made it a porn instead of a thriller. I bet it wouldn’t take much.” Kennedy rolled her eyes at Ruby.

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic