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Through the window, Laurel could see Jace pacing like a caged animal. She remembered the sleepless nights he’d practically worn a path in the stained carpet of Draven’s hovel, where they’d been kept. Seeing him reduced to old habits made her guts clench.

This wasn’t a game, not for either of them.

“Go ahead,” Nolan encouraged her, nudging her toward the door. “I’ll follow your lead. Whatever happens, I’m okay with it as long as the two of you are.”

“What if he freaks out?” Laurel stared at her pretty new boots on the cheery welcome mat.

“I’ll be there,” Nolan promised. “I’ll help defuse the situation. Just remember how much you two love each other and the rest will fade away.”

“Okay.” She gulped. “But what ifIfreak out?”

“I know you’ve only just met me. Still, I hope you know that I’ve got your back. And so does Jace. You’re protected here, with us, so take the opportunity and explore while you’ve got an extra safety net.”

The last icy chains of fear burst from around Laurel’s heart. She looked up at Nolan and nodded. “Thanks. I want to do this.”

“Then let’s go.” Nolan beamed down at her. He didn’t open the door for her, but he was right on her ass when she walked through it.

Jace’s head snapped up and he stopped so short he nearly tripped. Before she could utter even a single syllable, he blurted, “I’m sorry. Laurel, shit, I’msosorry. Don’t hate me.”

“You might want to save that apology for when you actually fuck up.” Laurel waved him off. “Besides, if you owe me one, then I owe you one too.”

“For what?” Jace narrowed his eyes before flicking his stare to Nolan.

“I kissed him too.” Laurel shrugged, half expecting Jace to lunge for Nolan. “And I liked it. A lot.”

“Oh.” Jace swallowed hard. “Damn, that’s worse. I didn’t mean to cut in on your…whatever you have going on.”

Nolan wisely kept his mouth shut and let her do the talking. He didn’t try to defend himself or say he was sorry because they both knew he damn well wasn’t and that he’d make out with either of them again if they gave him the slightest opportunity. Laurel loved that he was so direct and honest about his intentions. She didn’t have to wonder where she stood with him.

Unlike with Jace, whose contrition was rapidly morphing into some combination of jealousy and irritation. “You know, if you two neededmeout of the picture, you could have told me so.”

Was that hurt in his deep brown eyes? “Jace—”

“I’m sure the Hot Rides gang wouldn’t mind if I hung out at the shop for a few hours.” He spoke over her as if he couldn’t hear the truth.

“Oh, once things go down, I doubt that’s going to be long enough to get it out of our systems.” Nolan chuckled and Laurel tapped his rock-solid abs with the back of her hand. Now was not the time. Jace was not in a kidding mood and she wasn’t about to risk him taking Nolan seriously.

“For the record, Jace…” Laurel gathered every molecule of bravery she possessed. She stepped close to him, carefully, cautiously, until she could reach out and put her hands on his knotted shoulders. “I would have kissed you every damn day and night of the past ten or twenty years if you’d let me.”

“Huh?” Jace gave her his full attention then. His stare locked on hers. This close, there was no denying the effect her confession had on him. His pupils dilated and he held his breath.

“You heard me.” She was tired of playing these fucked-up games. Rules they’d invented to keep them safe but not entirely happy.

“I didn’t think you were interested in that anymore. With anyone, never mind me.” Jace softened a bit, his hands coming up to cup her elbows, his thumbs brushing over the backs of her arms, making her shiver though no part of her was cold. Not while she was the object of both his and Nolan’s complete attention.

“Maybe not at first. I was too scared. But over time…if you’d taken that step, been assertive, promised it was okay, and led me there gently, I would have gone with you,” Laurel whispered. “You’re the only man I trust enough to surrender to.”

She looked over her shoulder at Nolan, hoping that didn’t upset him. But it was true. As much as she craved him, she’d never be able to enjoy herself in bed with someone if Jace wasn’t there. With him, well, that was a different story. Hopefully Nolan wouldn’t mind that she needed another man as a crutch. The truth was, Jace was a part of her, and if Nolan wanted to participate in her awakening, Jace was included in that package.

Somehow she didn’t think he would mind. He winked at her.

Jace drew her attention back to him when he blew out a sigh. “I would never have done that. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t risk scaring you. If you ever looked at me with fear in your eyes, I couldn’t take it.”

“And that’s why you two are in the situation you’re in now. And what a lovely pickle it is.” Nolan raked Jace with his gaze, lingering on his crotch with a fond smirk. “You were stuck in a rut so deep you needed someone to tow you out. Waiting for each other to break first, it was never going to happen. You two are too noble and stubborn for your own good. Me? Not so much.”

He shrugged, though Laurel caught a hint of regret in his eyes. Did he honestly believe he wasn’t a decent person? The past few weeks had taught her otherwise. “I hope at least I’ve fixed that for you.”

Tags: Jayne Rylon Powertools: The Shields Erotic