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“Yeah, I do.” He grinned at her. “Before you decide, you should know that Lorenzo and Owen live with me.”

“Is that a problem?” She nibbled her lower lip, hoping he couldn’t tell that the thought of his friends hearing them fuck definitely didn’t turn her off as much as decorum would suggest it should.

“Not for us.” He rubbed his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear, “Is it for you?”

But before she was forced to give a candid answer, and admit that she was curious about how that might turn out…someone called their names.

Holly scrambled, unhooking her legs and trying to put her feet back on the ground without her dress bunching up completely at her waist. Her insides fluttered, and not necessarily because they’d been caught.

More because she sort of liked the idea of someone finding them. Of someone knowing that he craved her as intensely as she did him. What the hell was wrong with her?

“Hey, man, there you are.” Lorenzo, with his long dark hair and the sexiest walk Holly had ever seen, crashed their party for two. “Shit. Sorry. But I need to talk to you.”

“I’m busy. And if you don’t fuck this up, you might be later too…” Ignoring the presence of his friend, Trent dipped his head and laid his lips over hers once more. If he cared that the other man was about to get an eyeful, he didn’t bother to stop. Was it some kind of test? Did he really mean that she might have pleasure of hooking up with Trentandhis hot friends that night?

If so, Holly intended to pass with flying colors, as she had each exam in their college years. She should have realized he didn’t mind being watched, hell, he’d admitted he’d gotten off on it. Had he really come harder that night knowing she’d spied him and his date getting busy in the bushes like he implied earlier?

Holly wanted to be that woman, even if only for one moment. One night.

“Let’s get out of here,” Holly whispered in between his kisses.

“Yeah? Seriously?” He paused long enough to smile wide and slow.

She nodded.

“Trent. I’m serious.” Lorenzo put his hand on Trent’s shoulder, his fingers damn near brushing her as well. Holly shivered.

“What?” Trent barked, his voice scratchier than she remembered. “Somebody better be dying.”

Lorenzo winced and their other roommate—Owen—joined them, his handsome face blanching as he caught the tail end of Trent and Lorenzo’s discussion.

“They might be. I mean,hemight be.” Lorenzo scrunched his eyes closed before opening them again. His warm brown gaze met Trent’s. “One of the guys from my show saw it on the news. It’s your dad. He had a massive stroke and they’re not sure if he’s going to make it. They’re transporting him to Sunrise.”

Holly gasped. She clutched Trent so tight she felt every one of his muscles go from loose and languid to knotted in an instant. He’d just gotten the news she dreaded every day of her life.

If there was anything she could to do help him, she would.

Almost one-night stand or not, no one deserved to face something so devastating without as much of a support system as they could muster. And for some reason, maybe it was how he’d cradled that puppy so long ago, she suddenly wanted to take care of him and protect him the same way.

He looked at her, then Lorenzo, then the ceiling. “Fuck!”

Owen put his hand on Trent’s other shoulder and squeezed.

“I’ll come with you, if you want…” Holly offered.

“You will?” Trent blinked as if he’d never expected in a million years that she or anyone else would go out of their way for him. He really had chosen the wrong women to fool around with, hadn’t he?

“Yeah, there might be young, wanton women out here you need me to protect you from.” She echoed his earlier reason for accompanying her that night they’d searched for the puppy’s owner or at least his momma dog.

Fortunately, he got her sense of humor even in the freefall moment. The corner of his mouth kicked up. He glided his hands down her sides, subtly rearranging her dress, then linked their hands. “Thank you. I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”

“I’m sure you will.” She wondered how fast she could run in her heels.

“What’s happening?” Ford asked as he came around the corner with Kari and his two best friends in tow. They’d apparently had a similar idea about the usefulness of the shady nook.

“Family emergency.” Lorenzo winced. “Trent’s. Not mine.”

Owen slapped the button on the service elevator. “Let’s go to the valet stand. I’ll make sure they give you the next taxi.”

Tags: Jayne Rylon Ever and Always Erotic