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I knew he was right. I just hated that.

“I’m going to head back inside,” I said, narrowing my gaze at that same woman edging closer to my… to Yates. Nothing ‘my’ about him. My parents were suddenly in discussion with a nearby couple as I stepped back inside… or tried to.

A large chest appeared in front of me, and a groan nearly broke from my throat as I narrowed my gaze at the Scottish family crest on the expensive blazer in my line of sight. Putting on my best smile, I looked up into a handsome yet very frustrating face. I was finding that sometimes the most annoying people were blessed with being attractive.

“Ian McCaffrey, how good to see you again,” I mused.

It wasn’t good to see him again. In fact, Ian was one of those guys that really didn’t understand when a woman wasn’t into him. Not only did the man think he was god’s gift to women, but he had a temper. It was a horrible combination.

His frame blocked me from walking inside as he looked over my expression. There was something dark in his eyes as he tried to be polite. “I saw you from across the room and figured I would come say hi to my favorite American.”

Oh wonderful. I didn’t want to be his favorite anything. Ever.

“Here I am.” I swallowed, feeling awkward as someone with a badge came up to us. I narrowed my eyes, realizing that it was press from Scotland, and my jaw clenched as an amused look flashed on Ian’s face.

“Mind if I get a picture of you two?” the man asked, his accent almost identical to Ian’s.

“You know what, I am not really comfortable with that,” I offered. Ian chuckled as if I was saying something amusing.

“It’s just a photo, Dahlia.” He flashed a smile. “A show of how welcoming your family is.”

Oh, wow, I hated this guy.

“Sure, right,” I inhaled, knowing I was going to regret this as I turned to the camera, my body stiffening as his hand pressed to my lower back, far too close to my ass. The camera clicked, and I immediately stepped away, feeling disgusted.

Except I stepped right into a very familiar body, one that was filled with far more tension than I was okay with. My gaze snapped up to Yates, his temper flashing in his eyes as his fingers wrapped gently around the top of my arm. I had a feeling he was about two seconds from literally pulling me behind him. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind that, because Ian’s cologne was bothering my nose.

“Yates Carter,” Ian chuckled, “good to see you.”

“Not likewise,” he snapped and looked at the cameraman. “Go.” He scrammed as Ian’s face shifted, his expression turning more calculating as he looked down at me with interest. My fingers gripped Yates’s shirt, because I was honestly concerned the man was going to lose it.

I knew a few things in this world, and one of them was that my boyshatedIan and his brother. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t disagree with the consensus.

“You shouldn’t have shown up this year,” Yates said, his voice low and challenging.

“Why is that?” Ian goaded.

“Son!” Mr. Carter suddenly appeared, squeezing Yates’s shoulder. “I need both Dahlia and you for a moment, is that possible?”

I could see the tension in his frame, and Yates continued to stare at Ian before exhaling and breaking away from his father’s grip, gently leading me away from the two of them. I intertwined our fingers… because I wanted to make sure he didn’t do anything dangerous. He led us towards a hallway, and as he turned he let out a frustrated breath and immediately began tapping on his phone. I leaned against the wall, watching him with curiosity as he worked. His voice was snappy as he made a call.

“If that photo goes anywhere but into a delete file, you’re fired,” he demanded, his voice filled with threat. No greeting. Nothing. Just anger about a picture… Did he mean the picture of Ian and I? Holy crap.

When he hung up, I took the chance and grabbed Yates’s shoulders, his silver eyes meeting mine as he offered me a frustrated look. “I hate that fucker.”

“I know,” I nodded, “but don’t let him ruin your morning.”

Yates swallowed, seeming to relax slightly. “Come on, let’s sit down for brunch. I can’t stand around with all of these idiots.”

I didn’t stop him from intertwining our fingers as his thumb played with my infinity rings, leading us through groups of people as we walked towards the large dining room. Sterling was waiting for us, and I could see King and Lincoln sitting already, the first talking quietly to Mr. Carter.

“You okay?” Sterling asked Yates as the man offered a terse head nod.

He wasnotokay.

As we sat down for brunch, I made sure to stay next to Yates, Sterling on his other side, as Mr. Carter offered me a smile before walking back over to his table. Lincoln was doing something on his phone as Kingston offered me a curious look.

“What?” I arched a brow, crossing my ankles as I sat back in my chair. The entire dining room was filled with circular tables, fresh flowers, and musicians performing a classical playlist that added to the light, airy atmosphere. Before King responded, a waiter dropped off champagne as I waited for him to finally say something.

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic