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Letting out a soft hum, I slipped on a pair of white sandals and packed up my small purse, not bothering to turn on my phone. I knew the guys would be at the brunch—it would be very odd if they ever decided to not show up to an event like that. Something I appreciated more than they realized.

Walking down the stairs, I stepped out onto the front porch, glad I’d left my car in the driveway last night. My dad had some crazy security in the garage, and while I knew all the codes, it could be a pain in the behind. I smiled, looking over my custom light blue Rolls-Royce Phantom that was glinting in the bright morning sunshine. I’d gotten it as a graduation present, and let me tell you, I had never been a car person until I sat in cream leather seats like the ones in my car.

I unlocked the door and walked around, only stopping as I heard the sound of another engine starting up. Looking up, I smiled, finding Sterling leaning out the window of his matte black BMW, his brother presumably driving.

“Sugar, you look gorgeous this morning,” he commented before grunting and scowling back at his brother, making me smile. Sterling totally had a flirty side to him that I found myself flustered by, but I couldn’t help but love it.

“Thank you,” I chimed. “Are you two headed over to the club?”

“Want to ride with us?” Lincoln asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement at something. My eyes darted down to my car as I shook my head before smiling at their disappointed expressions.

“I never get to drive her!” I reminded them. Sterling nearly pouted as they pulled forward so I could pull out of the driveway. I slid into the piece of art, my fingers running over the designer interior, inhaling the scent of my familiar Burberry perfume. Turning on my Spotify, I picked my morning playlist and pulled out of my driveway much faster than the twins would have liked. I backed up, pulling right up next to Lincoln, who was offering me a warning look.

“Dahlia,” he rumbled, Sterling laughing.

“No back seat driving!” I warned, flashing a smile before rolling up the window and pressing the gas to speed towards the gate. I didn’t say I was a smart driver, I just said I loved my car and enjoyed driving. I offered security a wave as I sped down the main lane of trees that led out of Wildberry Lane. Inhaling happily, I drove almost on auto-pilot towards the club.

To say it was a short drive was an understatement. Not even a minute later, I was turning right onto a large stone road that had a guard who immediately waved me through. An expanse of land followed as I followed the familiar route through the expensive landscaping, the twins in my rearview mirror. I could practically see Lincoln’s scowl from here, and I found myself excited about how he was going to react to me not listening to him.

As I pulled closer to the massive, ivy-covered stone building, I felt my lips split into a huge smile. Holy crap. My parents hadn’t been joking. This was nearly double the international attendance than usual. I pulled up past designer car after designer car, eyes following my path as I parked and hopped out easily, greeting one of the valets. His face was familiar, but I was kicking my own butt for not knowing his name. The twins pulled up next to me before I could go inside, and Lincoln stepped out and made me smile.

“You need to be more careful,” he growled under his breath, grabbing my waist and tugging me against him. I let my head fall back, and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me as I flashed him a teasing smile.

Why would I drive more carefully when it made him act like this?

“Linc,” Sterling warned, his voice light but edged in something I didn’t fully understand.

Lincoln’s eyes flashed with frustration before he nodded towards the club house, his hand staying around my waist as I walked between the twins, strolling past faces I recognized but couldn’t name. I knew the media was here as well, their badges identifying them, making me wish I had sunglasses with me. I didn’t like media attention, especially not at a place I was usually so comfortable in.

Immediately upon entering, I noticed an array of familiar faces from across the room, including Kingston and Yates. I wondered briefly where Dermot was, but I was far too caught up on how handsome my four boys looked, dressed up in navy and searsucker jackets, their collars undone and hair slightly damp from this morning. I moved closer to Lincoln as Sterling said something to him over my head. I honestly didn’t even care what they were talking about, because I was suddenly busy narrowing my eyes at a woman that was not so casually eyeing Yates.

She should keep her eyes to herself… it was rude. That was my reasoning.

“Princess,” Kingston called out as we neared. I broke from between the twins and walked towards them, flashing Yates a small smile. I knew we were okay from last night, but I still wasn’t fully back to teasing him yet.

I needed a few more hours for that.

“Yates,” I squeezed King in a hug, turning my head against his chest to look at the cocky bastard standing next to him. He flashed me a smile and tugged on my hair lightly in greeting.

“There are a fuck ton of people here,” Lincoln muttered as the twins joined us.

“Where is Dermot?” I asked King curiously, Yates and the twins talking about just how many new faces there were. I found myself caught slightly off guard by the way King was already looking down at me, his eyes filled with something darker than normal. On my question, they lightened as he flashed a smile.

“Sleeping in, but he’s going to come to the gala tonight,” he answered easily. Oh good.

Nodding, I looked at the bay of windows behind us, noticing my parents out on the balcony. I tapped King’s chest, and his arm released me. I stepped past my boys and made my way through the large archway, taking a glass of champagne that one of the blazer-wearing workers offered. I mumbled a ‘thanks,’ ignoring the stares as I caught my mom’s eyes. Instantly, she was smiling.

“I knew you were going to wear that dress!” she said with a knowing smile.

“I wonder where I get my style from,” I mused, tilting my head and looking at her very similar dress, checkered in purple and pink instead.

“You both look beautiful,” my father said. “Did you drive here, Dahlia?”

“Yep.” I nodded and frowned. “I tried to convince Stratton to come, but apparently it’s a bad week.” They knew what I meant by that.

“You should really talk to him,” my mom told my dad.

“He’s his own man,” my dad sighed. “I think he’s figuring some sh… stuff, some stuff out. I have told him he can always come to me, but I’m not going to hurt the kid’s pride by trying to step in as a parent. He’s been his own for long enough.”

Tags: M. Sinclair The Shadows of Wildberry Lane Erotic