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“Do you like my outfit?” I twirled with a small grin. Okay. I admit it, I liked making Marco get all growly.

“Like may not be the right word to describe how it makes me feel.” He caught my hips so I was facing away from him mid-turn, his large body hard against mine and his lips resting right against my ear.

“What’s a good way to describe it?” I asked breathlessly, feeling heat explode inside of me as his hands gripped my hips tight, his teeth skimming my neck.

“Like I want to strip it off you with my teeth and bend you over your bed,” he growled as I let out a small sound, his rough words making shivers break out on my skin as I pressed back against him. I really would like more information on what he would do once I was bent over.

“Marco,” I moaned as he sucked on my mating bite causing my knees to break slightly.

“Later,” he grumbled, “I don’t think I could handle everyone downstairs hearing you like this.” Like what? I scowled as he turned me, his eyes lighting up on my expression.

“Can I bring Bella?” I asked in a huff trying to distract myself but still looking at his lips.

“If we can find a way to keep her safe, there are a lot of people down there.” He pointed out as Bella meowed in agreement. I moved towards my closet and selected a black bag that was the perfect size for Bella to sit in.

“I am so glad I found a purpose for these, I mean I really felt weird walking around with empty bags,” I mumbled as Marco started laughing. I looked up and realized something about what I was doing was really flippin’ funny to him.

“What?” I asked confused as I sat her in the purse.

He shook his head, “God Damn it, Maya, I love you. Come on.”

“I’m still confused,” I said trying to not blush at the fact that he’d said ‘I love you.’ Did he mean that? How did you know if you were in love?

“Nothing, honey, I have just never seen a woman use a Chanel purse to carry a kitten.” His smile was elated as I looked down at the kitten.

“Would Chanel or whoever made this be upset?” I tilted my head and his eyes softened as he reached the stairs, tilting my head up.

“I don’t think anyone could stay upset with you for long.”

With that we were down the stairs, Marco’s hand intertwined with mine as I realized the true extent of this event. If possible there were more people here than there had been at the Los Angeles concert. I’m serious, from the stairs to outside in the front, where there were news trucks, to the backyard, there were a ton of people spread out. But that was not what I was focused on.

Instead I smiled up at Marco because holy crap. The entire first floor’s ceiling had these stunning vines of purple and pink flowers that drape down the walls. The furniture had been moved and instead cocktail tables stood in their place with these lanterns that almost looked fairytale like.

In the far corner of the front room was a table with a ton of presents. Like a ridiculous amount. I could barely pay attention to the men and women saying hi to us because my eyes were flitting around, landing on men and women in pink shirts serving drinks and food. I retracted my statement from before. This party planner lady? She was fantastic.

“You should give the party planner more money,” I mumbled to Marco as we broke away from some people, “she's magical.”

Marco chuckled and led me towards the area where Jordan stood with a man that looked very similar to her, his smile authentic as he shook Marco’s hand.

“Creed, good to see you. This is Maya, our flight’s mate,” Marco introduced us as I offered my hand and he met it.

“It’s wonderful to meet you, finally. Jordan here talks about you all the time.” He grinned as Jordan rolled her eyes at his comment.

“Well, wearebest friends, so that’s good!” I chirped as Jordan offered me a soft smile.

After that it seemed like we were going down an endless line of different shifters, Jordan was right. I had to act confident which seemed to come far easier than expected. Bella behaved, curled up in my purse, and around the sixth or seventh rounds of greetings, I started to feel a bit worn out. Lorn’s father I’d yet to meet, but I could smell shifters around that I presumed to be bears by their scent. That was when my knight in shining armor came over, saving me from meeting so many people.

“Sugar,” Croy wrapped an arm around me as I looked up.

“Hey, you,” I teased, as he and Marco walked with me towards the back porch that was a bit clearer than the house. I inhaled the crisp fall air as I turned to face the two of them, my eyes finding Atlas instead where he stood talking to someone on the side of the yard, before he turned, walking towards me.

“What's wrong?” Marco asked, looking suddenly tense.

Atlas shook his head as Croy wrapped an arm around my waist, I frowned slightly. Marco inhaled, nodding and pressing a kiss to my lips before Atlas pressed one to my temple, both of them leaving without a word. A bubble of frustration hit my chest because I would have liked to be included in what was going on if we were being honest. I mean this seemed important if it was worrying them.

“It’s probably nothing,” Croy soothed, “want to go have some cake and champagne?” It was totally something but now was not the time to talk about it. That was fine though, I could bring it up later. I felt like it was a talk we should have anyway.

I looked up at him blinking, “That sounds absolutely amazing.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal