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Chapter 10


“Idon’t know, Bella,” I stated on a sigh, “I feel like there is something still missing.”

It was early afternoon and I had spent most of the day in my room, painting and reading. I’d found this amazing art history book at the school library the other day andmayhave taken it home...but it was so interesting! I found myself wanting to copy and try each style of painting until I came up with something that was so original and unique that I would maybe be featured in it. You know, obviously when I was way, way older and had practiced for years. Although, some of the artists in here seemed young so who knew.

Bella padded around the bed chasing after a rubber band from my hair, not really caring what I said. I honestly didn’t blame her, I’d been complaining about the missing element of this painting for some time. No, this was not the phoenix painting either. I’d put that to the side for now.

This canvas was much larger and more rectangular than the other, and needed two easels to support it. I had decided to paint the edge of the forest right outside of our house from the view point of where I’d been standing this morning waiting for Atlas. I wasn’t exactly positive how all of this worked, but I knew without a doubt when he was coming back this morning. It was like a deep resonating pulse inside of me that seemed to echo his name. I always had a fairly good grasp on where my mates were, one that was innate and natural. For example, I knew all of them were downstairs helping with the party set up.

Honestly, I was glad I wasn’t down there because I could hear the chaos. It wasn’t that I didn’t like people...but I didn’t like that many people at once. Even the backyard was being set up differently, partly blocking my view of the misty scenery as they set up a massive white tent. I couldn’t see what was underneath it but chairs and tables were being brought underneath. I thought I also saw a few flashes of pink and gold but it was possible I was imagining that.

“Hey, Ledger?” I called as I heard him coming up the stairs. I could tell their footsteps apart, was that weird? Probably.

“What’s up, Firefly?” he curiously asked, unsurprised I knew it was him. My eyes flashed over to where he stood in dark jeans and a comfortable hoodie, his slightly damp hair darkening the tips to almost crimson.

“What is this missing?” I arched a brow as he came to stand behind me, his large hands wrapping around my hips.

“Holy shit,” He mumbled, “I don’t think it’s missing anything.”

“It is,” I groaned leaning my head back thinking about this painting as well as my original one, “neither of them seem perfect enough.”

“Oh,” he realized something, turning me around and looking down at me with a smile, “they are never going to seem perfect enough to you, Maya.”

“What?” I asked, alarmed, “Why not?”

“Same reason any songs I write or play aren’t perfect enough, we are our own biggest critics.” He kissed my nose. “Just trust me, you're doing amazing. Are you proud of your work?”

I looked over both of them and nodded. “Yeah, I love them.”

“Then trust that you would have added something if it was meant to be there.” He tugged me closer so I turned facing him again.

“Alright,” I twisted my lips but then looked at him, leaning forward to kiss him. I had a moment of nervousness but honestly, the more time I spent with them the less I worried. I knew Ledger wanted to kiss me. I mean I could feel how hard he was against my stomach right now, but it was more than that. It was the way he always looked at my lips and how close he held me, always holding my hand or hugging me.

After a light playful kiss, his bonfire scent surrounding me, he pulled back and offered me a grin, “Nope, you are going to distract me and I came up here to tell you something very important.”

“What’s that?” I arched a brow.

“That I am here!” Jordan’s voice broke through the space, I peaked over him and felt a smile break through on my face.

“You invited her over?” I asked Ledger, feeling almost hyper.

“Invited?” Jordan grinned, “No way, I had to practically man-handle my way in, although I’ll give your men this, the security around here is hot.”

Ledger shook his head and coughed. “I will leave you ladies to it.”

“Is this Bella?” Jordan asked, kneeling down. Bella turned and hissed tumbling backwards.

“Bella!” I chidded, “Don’t be rude.”

“It’s because I’m a wolf,” Jordan explained, looking nonplussed. “You should see what happens when I get around cat shifters. Honestly, even dragons are iffy for me.”

“Interesting,” I chimed, “so I’m glad you're here, but whyareyou here?”

“One,” she grinned, “I was worried because you missed school. Two, I was worried because you missed work. Three, you are all over the media. Finally, the most important thing, I wanted to get ready for your party tonight.”

“Oh!” I nodded enthusiastically, “I’m down for that.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal