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“You shouldn’t go outside without a jacket on,” he muttered as she smiled in a teasing way. I think Maya purposefully liked to mess with Marco and he was way too obsessed with her safety to realize she was teasing. I thought it was pretty fucking funny.

A meow had me snapping my head over to where Bella sat in the middle of the kitchen island, looking very alert and attentive. She was a smart cat and currently very upset that she wasn’t being paid attention to. Maya waltzed over there and lifted her into her arms, my eyes tracing the outline of her waist and hips in her loose clothing. I inhaled, convincing myself that now was not a good time to drag her cute ass upstairs.

“The news channels have been talking about her all morning,” Sai noted, looking far more awake than normal, joining me in the family room after a few moments.

“Unsurprising,” I muttered as I turned on the system. Instantly, I muted it because CNN had a large picture of Maya, clearly from the interview the other day, sitting sweetly on the stairs with a soft smile. At least they were spinning it in her benefit, I scrolled through every station from Fox to MSNBC and found all the same. Clearly, the humans could be fucking unified when it came to Maya. I twisted my lips because with this kind of attention could only come more popularity.

“I need to up security for the event tonight,” I stated in passing, heading back to the kitchen as Sai nodded.

“She’s not going to school today,” Henry stated, “even if she wanted to. Apparently news trucks have been surrounding the damn place all morning.”

“Shit,” I groaned, realizing today was going to be a busy one. “Keep her in the house today, I don’t trust the news channels to not try to get onto our property.”

“I don’t care if they see me.” Maya looked amused as Marco shook his head, sitting at the island, Maya on the counter in front of him. I nearly laughed at how the bastard was practically purring with her hands running through his hair. I couldn’t even fucking blame him either.

“I care,” I mumbled under my breath. I did. There were a lot of creeps.

After a quick kiss to her forehead I made my way upstairs. I was on the phone in minutes.

“Yeah, Charles,” I yawned, “morning to you as well. I need about seven teams in the area for a bit, if we need to bring more temporaries on for the other jobs that's fine but I need them here in order to vet any venue material coming through onto the property for tonight. The jet...” I looked down at my watch, “can be there in an hour.”

He answered and I hung up, calling one of our on call pilots and arranged for what needed to be done. I just needed to get through this shit today because as of late tonight, we wouldn’t even be in this damn country.

I smiled at that. Maya was going to love our surprise.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal