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Chapter 8


This was overwhelming.

I’d posed for a million different photos and my sudden wish for our family photo felt like a curse. L.A. Times was setting up their video interview area in the family room while two other magazines took photos of us in the formal living room.

I was fairly relaxed and it was natural to be around the men, but the photographers felt odd. Their eyes hyper focused on everything we did. There were also several reporters taking notes on small pads of paper. Security lined the room and I realized I’d clearly signed up for something larger than I realized.

When the last photo shoot was done, I let out a small yawn as Sai offered me an understanding look.

“Can I get one of just her?” a photographer asked, his face serious and focused on a notepad in front of him.

No one had questioned my very apparent comfortability and affection towards all my mates. I had a feeling someone had either warned them or it was more known now the status between us. More than anything, if I had to guess, they were going to ask during the interview.

“Why?” Marco asked, sounding frustrated.

“They want to do a feature,” he explained, looking disinterested, his eyes analytical. I had a distinct feeling he didn’t care either way.

“What magazine are you with?” I tilted my head curiously.

“Vogue,” he led me towards one of the leather couches. Instead of sitting in it, he had me stand behind it, the massive glass windows behind me rain splattered but the emerald green of the forest stood out. Then his words caught up to me.

My eyebrows went up, “You work for Vogue? That’s so awesome. I read Vogue all the time. How exciting.”

His lip twitched as his eyes warmed slightly, “I think it’s pretty cool also, I grew up reading them so this was-”

“Your dream?” I offered as he grinned.

“My husband had to spend three days trying to calm me down when I got the call.” I smiled easily, imagining that as he took pictures. My hands on the edge of the couch, I tilted my head looking at him. I realized that despite this man’s crankiness, he was very nice. In fact, if I had to guess, he was probably cranky because he missed his husband.

“Do you miss him? When you go on these trips?” I asked as he led me towards the stairs and I sat down.

His sigh was tired. “That’s an understatement, he’s a surgeon in LA. I don’t get a lot of time with him as it is, but when a billionaire offers to fly you out for an exclusive interview with someone very popular right go.”

“What is the feature going to be about?” I asked curiously.

“Well,” He took another photo as I leaned the other way, “originally, I was going to focus on everything that happened with your family. Instead, I think we should focus on your relationship. I can’t imagine how you handle all of this.”

“Handle what?” I wondered.

“Honey,” he grinned, standing up and turning off his camera, “I have issues keeping up with one man let alone seven. You must have a spine of steel.”

Spine of steel? I was pretty sure mine was made of bone...

“You will have to send me some of the pictures with my mates and I,” I grinned softly then winced mentally when he arched a brow at the word ‘mate’.

Instead of saying anything, I led him towards the kitchen,taking the seat offered to me by Marco. The rest of the boys lounged near the family room entrance. I noticed some of the photographers taking pictures of them relaxed. I made a note to remember to ask for those also. I could make an entire book of them or we could hang them around the house.

“Are you ready to go?” Kelsey asked, her eyes wide and eager. “Do you need notes or anything?”

“No,” I shook my head, “all in my head.”

Something of interest sparked in her eyes, “Alright, can we have quiet?”

From the moment the interview started, I had decided on telling as much of the truth as possible. I ignored the cameras and focused on the woman in front of me. Trying to focus and remember how cruel my mother and Jed had been. How they could possibly be viewed as having done nothing wrong. I mean...they had murdered me. Sure, I’d come back, but they had killed me.

“So, Maya,” Kelsey started, “I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me today.”

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal