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I shrugged and offered a teasing smile, “Still unsure if you even like kissing me.”

His warm eyes sparked with challenge, “Yeah, Kitten? I mean, I can show you how much I enjoy kissing you. Atlas if you could just put her down...”

“She needs to get ready,” Croy noted looking amused, “plus we have company.” I’d been so caught up in my mates that I forgot about the women. I turned to find them both staring at me in surprise. I wiggled down and pushed my hair back smiling.

“I am so sorry I didn’t sayhi,” I grinned walking over, “my name is Maya.”

“Melony,” one offered and the other said ‘Veronica’ I think, but both their accents were thick. I noticed they kept looking at the guys so I turned.

“Do you guys mind if you let them get to work, not that I have any idea of what they are doing, but look at all this stuff, I have to at least give it a go,” I bounced on my toes slightly as the guys filed out except for Atlas and Croy, one on his laptop and the other playing with the kitten. I turned towards them as they ushered me to sit in front of this vanity they had set up.

I yawned as they got to work, my eyes closing in the comfortable chair they had sat me in. The only experience I’d had on people doing my hair had been the salon. One of them began to use a curling iron on it as the other woman began brushing something on my face. Would the guys have to get their makeup done also? I should ask them.

“Hey, Atlas?” I chimed as Bella meowed, Croy’s laugh at her response making me happy.

“What’s up, Angel?” He asked his voice far closer than I expected, making me blush.

“Do you guys have to wear makeup also?” I wondered as one of the women laughed softly.

“Do you think we should?” Atlas asked, I grinned opening my eyes as the woman worked on my lips. My angelic looking mate had his hair tied back as he ran a hand over his trimmed beard, my eyes flashing to his gold lip ring.

“I could see that, maybe a smoky eye or whatever it's called?” I let out a small giggle at the thought of him in full makeup as his eyes warmed.

He looked over me with interest, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in full makeup.”

“Does it look good?” I wondered, as the woman sat me up, her counterpart using a brush to loosen the curls around my shoulders.

“Too good,” Croy mumbled as Atlas nodded.

“You look beautiful, Angel. Although that is with or without makeup.”

I was handed a mirror as I lifted it and my dark eyes went wide.Woah.I examined my skin, the gold color highlighted and darkened on certain angles. My dark brows were more arched and my lashes looked super long, a light purple pink shadow on my lid making the gold stand out. My lips were painted a soft pink that matched my wavy hair and a very prominent pink highlight.

“Wow,” I arched a brow and looked up at the two of them, “you guys are really fantastic at this.”

They both grinned as they ushered me up and took me towards a large rack of clothes. I easily found exactly what I wanted to wear, pushing past a lot of the darker colors. I know they seemed very popular but my entire life had been so painfully dark. I needed some color. Some light. I plucked the pink and light blue plaid skirt and the warm white sweater it was paired with. Practically sashaying towards the bathroom, I eagerly pulled it on. Turning in the mirror I found myself smiling at how good it looked.

I’d been hesitant about fashion at first, feeling like it may be a waste. Now though? Well, it was a bit like an art form, and I loved art. I walked out and Croy looked up, only he and the women left.

My wolf mate whistled, shaking his head as I blushed his eyes darkening over me. “It’s unfair, Sugar,” he sighed, standing up as I rounded the bed and slipped on the white elegant shoes they handed me.

“What’s unfair?” I arched a brow as he straightened his suit, running a hand through his hair.

“Everything about you,” he muttered and then spoke softly so the two humans couldn’t hear us, “you’re hard to focus around and that’s saying something considering I’ve been focusing just fine for over two hundred years.”

“You’re old,” I teased, his eyes darkened with heated amusement as he stepped closer, his head dipping down.

“Yeah? I assure you my age is not a negative thing,” he whispered with heat.

My face blushed with color as I swallowed, “Why is that?” I agreed, for the record.

“Lot’s of time to perfect certain...things.” He winked, clearly having wanted to say something else but noticing our audience. Still my skin broke out into shivers, his lips grazing mine before he offered a hand to walk out of the room.

“I wanted to know more about thesethings,” I mumbled under my breath as he barked out a laugh, our steps taking us towards the staircase. I paused for a moment as Croy kissed my temple and went ahead, Atlas appearing at my side. I looked up at him as he wrapped an arm around me.

“You okay?” He asked quietly, “We don’t have to do this.”

“I want to,” I whispered softly as he nodded and we walked downstairs. My biggest problem? I hadn’t decided what I was going to say to all of them waiting for me.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal