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Atlas had suggested we get the hell out so we moved up to our sanctuary in Washington. It was a solid move because it allowed us to continue to become successful without the obnoxious media surrounding us. I was particularly thankful we had moved because of Maya. I had no doubt I would have found her eventually, but I was glad we had come into her life when we did. I didn’t like to think what would have happened if I hadn’t run into her that day at the gas station.

I knew the struggle with the media wasn’t over and, in a lot of ways, it had increased because of Maya. I wanted to hide her away. Luckily, law enforcement was no longer a problem because I had practically placed half of them in their jobs. Any media trying to follow us up north was intercepted by the biker associations and criminal operations that I kept in touch with. I didn’t consider myself a criminal, but I did associate with them and benefited from their loyalty that came from small favors I’d granted. It was an interesting dynamic and I was glad for it now that I had something so essential to protect.

I was proud of what we had built here and our missing piece had finally arrived.

A small meow had me looking away from the door and shaking my head. This tiny fluffy creature was the reason I wasn’t in that foyer greeting my perfect sexy mate. The pulled out drawer, had a soft throw pillow in it, with my little babysitting responsibility looking up at me. I guess it was actually more parenting than babysitting.

This was the shit my dragon got me into. I’d run out for coffee, pissed the meeting had been moved and passed a pet shelter. Now we had a kitten.

I still can’t believe the massive, savage creature that lived inside of me was happy as fuck that we’d gotten a furball of destruction. A black and white fluffy monster. She even had a pink bow around her neck. I’d agreed to that shit and even picked the color because I knew Maya would like it.

What was happening to me? I honestly should have been embarrassed but all I felt was contentment because I had a feeling Maya was going to absolutely love her.

Atlas, Sai, and even Croy were all fans of the little monster. I was really undecided until I saw Maya’s reaction. Bella was pretty cute though. Yes, Bella. I didn’t pick it out, the shelter had, although I was a fan of the name.

“Marco!” Maya sang happily as my head snapped up, a smile forming on my lips. Atlas, clearly having explained it to the others, kept them talking out in the hallway to not crowd our new little guest. Bella let out a small eager meow at Maya’s voice and my mate froze, her eyes wide with interest.

I took a moment to appreciate Maya. She was beautiful but it was more than that, she always seemed to be glowing. Her thick dark hair was damp, making her eyes almost appear gold rather than brown, her lips were a bright red. She was simply perfect. No other word would do her justice if I were being honest.

“What was that?” She asked, nibbling her lip as my cock hardened more than it already was.

Everything. Literally, her breathing created extreme reactions in me. I lifted Bella from the drawer and placed her on the desk. “This is Bella.”

As the kitten stretched, Maya’s eyes went wide, watching as it walked around the top of the desk. The kitten watched Maya as her little fluffy butt sat down, tail swishing.

My mate blinked as her eyes watered and panic hit me in the chest. Even if they were positive tears, I hated seeing her upset at all. She deserved to have a reason to smile every moment of the day.

“You bought a kitten?” she whispered, her eyes hopeful.

I swallowed trying to not sound completely whipped, “I stopped at a rescue shelter and found her.”

“You saved her?” Her eyes filled with an unnamed emotion as I nodded, not understanding fully what was going through her head.

“I wasn’t positive you wanted a kitten but...”

Maya reached forward gently approaching the desk, not answering my lingering words. She swallowed. “What if I hurt her? She’s so tiny.”

I motioned for her to round the desk and I pulled her sexy self onto my lap so that she was relaxed against me. I picked Bella up and watched as Maya touched her, hesitant at first. I inhaled her scent as her smile widened, pulled the kitten to her, a comfortable happy silence surrounding us.

It was unknown if she noticed, but I was hard as hell under her. It was unavoidable. She was perfect, even her holding a fucking kitten was somehow sexy. This was just getting ridiculous.

“Hey you,” she petted the kitten gently, “you are the prettiest kitten I’ve ever seen. I love you so much.” It was all mumbled and I felt my smile growing at how absorbed with the kitten she was.

Then, because I clearly have issues, I felt jealous that she was so attached to the kitten. Christ. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Thank you so much, Marco,” she whispered, looking up at me before she nibbled her lip. “I’m worried I won’t be able to take care of her, I’ve never had to take care of something before.”

I went to answer but then she continued and I shut up because I was eager to hear anything about her time before us, painful or not.

“When I was stuck in that basement, this little stray came through the window and I created a small comfortable corner for her with some cardboard and fabric torn from my dress. She ended up having these tiny little kittens and I was so scared my mother or father would find them and hurt them. I did my best to protect them and the mom cat would come back with food every day.

“I remembered thinking that I wanted to be a good mom like that one day since my mother was never like that. I was...heartbroken when they didn’t come back one afternoon. It was what taught me to be careful about getting attached...”

My skin boiled with fury at her parents and I couldn’t help but bury my nose in her hair while trying to not squeeze her too tightly. My sweet Maya. Even being held captive in a basement, she was taking care of fucking kittens and putting them above her own safety.

“You don’t have to ever worry about that again,” I whispered into her hair, “you can become as attached to her, or us, as you like...preferably us also because I can’t imagine not seeing your gorgeous face every day, honey. Plus, you have seven of us to help you with her.” I tucked that streak of pink hair behind her ear.

Her eyes, flashing with a wisdom that seemed far older than I would have assumed possible, searched my face to see if I was bullshitting her. I had nothing to hide from her though. Absolutely nothing.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal