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Chapter 8


Oh, sweet Christ.

“Oh. My. God,” I muttered at the truly massive crimson dragon in front of me. I tried to categorize every feature from the thick armor-like scales to the wing-span that hit the entire width of the house. A pair of dark eyes watched me from above as I stepped forward because I needed to see this as close as possible. Experience this completely.

“Maya,” Marco warned. I waved him off as the dragon in front of me snorted.

“This is so cool,” I let out a laugh. I mean I knew these men were spectacular, so it shouldn’t surprise me that they were more than just humans. After all, where else did all those fairytales come from?

Sai’s massive head lowered so that his gaze was eye level with mine, his chin resting on the ground. I was shaking slightly, but mostly because of excitement as I reached forward and shivered at the heat emanating from his scales. Something inside of my chest fluttered restlessly and it forced me closer until I had my face pressed against the massive snout.

“Do you fly?” I asked quietly as the world zeroed in on just this massive creature and me.

Sai snorted as if amused once again, the action causing my clothing to ruffle, as he nodded. “That is so cool,” I murmured. “Can you take me up sometime?”

Something lit in his gaze as a deadly tail wrapped around my waist and lifted me up to his back with ease. I grinned and lodged myself right against his neck. That’s when I realized Marco and Henry were talking.

“Sai no,” Marco stated quietly.

“I get it,” Henry stated his voice tense, “but you can’t take her up, she doesn’t even know how to hold on properly.”

“I do too!” I scowled. “I’m fine Sai, really. Bunch ofnegative nancies.” I came across that phrase as well while online. You can’t even imagine all the fun stuff your phone can find.

Some of the stuff was a bit more confusing than others. For example, I was trying to figure out if it was normal for Atlas and I to sleep in the same bed. So I typed in ‘friends who sleep together’ and let me tell you, Atlas and I were not doing what they were. I had exited out of the site so fast, I’d nearly dropped my phone.

I had to admit… I sort of wanted to look it up again. It seemed like something I didn’t know enough about.

The dragon underneath me let out a rumbling snicker at my words as I grinned. I inhaled and then we took off. I let out an excited cry as his magic surrounded me, something I hadn’t had a name for before, and held me to his form. My eyes closed as the cool wind whipped past me and a feeling of euphoria settled over me. Something about heights really did it for me.

The entire coast line opened up for us and while we stayed in cloud cover, I felt absolutely free and uninhibited. I could feel something inside of me beating very fast and I was almost jealous that I was so clearly human.

While my ears were cold, his magic was keeping the rest of me warm and I had no idea how long we flew before the sky began to darken. Sai took us down with ease, I realized we’d gone up and down the coast, coming back to land right in the backyard. I let out a laugh as we landed and before I had time to prepare, the dragon under me disappeared. I let out a squeak as a pair of muscular arms caught me and I looked up at Sai.

“That was amazing,” I whispered my smile large and authentic.

Sai’s eyes were heated with something as he pressed his nose to mine and rubbed gently. “Yes, you are.”


“Christ Sai,” Anani bit out, “get dressed.”

My eyes immediately took greedy attention of his chest that was dark and colored in with these stunning gold patterns. I let my hand trace across it as a soft hum came from my throat. I frowned as I got plucked from his arms by Ledger as he explained, “bad idea, firefly. Sai is on edge right now.”

I frowned, looking at his serene face, but those eyes were dark and I almost felt like I could see his dragon looking back at me. When he spoke, it was nearly tri-layered, “she seemed to be just fine to me, Ledger.”

I nibbled my lip, but froze when we got far enough away and I realized he was naked. My mouth popped open becauseholy crap,it was huge. Sai barked out a laugh as I squeaked and Ledger covered my eyes with a shake of his head. I couldn’t help but want to look again. I mean, how did something so hard and large existthere? Had I just missed it? I mean, I would have noticed that before, no doubt. A warmth spread through me as we entered the house and Ledger muttered a curse.

“Please, someone take her before I do something dangerous,” he grinds out as my feet landed and immediately, Marco had me wrapped up. He muttered a curse, but kept his head against my neck while breathing in.

“Henry,” Marco bit out, “Tell Sai I expect to see him in my office later.”

“Worth it!” Sai called out in passing. I totally tried to see if he was still naked. Marco stilled my head from turning as I offered him a wide-eyed expression. What? Then something occurred to me and I tried my damn best to not look down.

So that was what the equivalent of physically hitting on me looked like without clothes? I sort of really liked that. Was it bad I wanted to touch it? I didn’t know if that was a thing. See? I really needed to talk to Jordan more, she could just bubble out those answers.

“Don’t give me that look, honey,” Marco drawled.

Tags: M. Sinclair Reborn Paranormal