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He started to rise again. “I’m going to kill him.”

“No.” She pushed him back down to the floor and peered around her desk to see if anyone was still in the office.

The last couple of lights had gone out. It seemed to be just her now.

She squeezed his arm. “You’re going to help me prove he’s done this before.”

Realization dawned in his eyes. “Yeah, I am. Because I’m sure you’re not the first woman he’s pulled this on.”

“Exactly. And that’s why I’m here. Why I skipped our amazing-sounding weekend away. I wanted to find the dirt, and I didn’t want you to be any part of it, in case I get in trouble digging around.”

He cupped the back of her head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “We’re in this together, Tori. Before Monday hits, only one person’s career will be in the toilet, and it won’t be ours.”

“I hope so. I just don’t have any idea where to start and how to figure this out.”

“Do you know how much research and paperwork a lawyer does? Especially when you’re first starting out?” James gave a grim smile. “This is my jam.”

“I’m so relieved to hear that.”

“First thing we need to do is find any women who’ve been let go, fired, or quit Wright and Williams in the last ten years.” He hesitated. “Tori, I’m sorry. We should’ve been on Whidbey having an amazingly romantic evening.”

“Another time. Right now, the most amazing thing I can think of is taking down your cousin.”

He pressed another quick kiss to her lips and then rose.

“Then let’s do it. You’re about to get a crash course in legal research.”


James stared atthe TV, trying to lose himself in the movie that was on.

Tori was tucked up under his arm and they were sharing a big bowl of homemade popcorn cooked in coconut oil, one of their favorite treats lately.

It was damn hard to concentrate, though. Memories of this morning kept rising up.

They’d done it. They’d walked into HR and filed a formal complaint, also handing over a file with the names and dates of women that Ryan had extorted—or tried to—in the past.

Three women. And those were just the ones who’d agreed to come forward. There were others who hadn’t even returned his call.

Ryan had been brought in and been given the chance to defend himself. James wasn’t totally clear on all the details of what had happened, but his cousin must’ve taken a look at the evidence and resigned.

“This really is the perfect choice, you know.” Tori gestured toward the screen where Captain America—the Chris Evans version—was kicking some butt. “Since we missed out on all the fireworks this weekend.”

“Oh, absolutely. The Cap was born on the Fourth of July.”

“Well, according to the MCU.” She nudged him in the ribs.

“Which, who am I to argue with?” He offered a small smile.

They fell into silence again, staring at the screen. Was she pretending to watch, just like him? Were her thoughts all twisted up over what had happened today?

“You’re not really into this tonight, are you?” she asked softly.

He shook his head. “I can’t stop thinking about today.”

“I know. It’s looping in my brain, too, like a bad song.” She hit pause on the remote and shifted to face him. “Are you feeling guilty?”

“Not guilt so much.” He thought about it a little. “More just disillusioned and angry that he turned out to be such a sleaze. That it had to come to this.”

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance