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“If people can flash their boobs in New Orleans for beads, you might as well bring in some cash on it. The more power to you.” He paused and lifted a brow. “How much money are we talking here?”

“I wasn’t one of the big moneymakers on the site, but I did okay. It was enough to pay my rent, car insurance, other bills, food, and all that jazz. And tuck a good chunk away in my savings.”

“Holy shit.” James’s jaw went slack. “You know, I’m pretty good at some of these video games and have a bit of ab definition—”

“Stop. Besides, you’re a dude. This is a site that girls run and work on.” She laughed and caressed those very abs he’d just brought up. “You’re not weirded out? Disappointed?”

“Nah, if anything, I’m feeling a little smug. I mean, I’ve watched you play video games in your underwear several times and didn’t have to pay a dime.”

“You didn’t even realize how good you had it,” she teased.

“Oh, I knew.” He brushed his lips against hers, and she melted a little.

Just having this off her chest was such a huge relief.

“You clearly don’t do that anymore now.” He touched her cheek. “Unless there’s a hidden camera in your place and we’re both being recorded playing games half-naked. And in that case, I’m going to have to demand half the profit.”

Tori burst out laughing. “There’s no camera. I gave it up once I graduated college. I was more than ready to start interviewing for a job in HR.”

“Makes sense.”

“Do you have any questions for me? About what I did? Why?” She tried to read him and only saw a somber curiosity. “I’m an open book at this point.”

“My biggest concern is how you felt about it then and now? Did you feel pressured into doing it? Trouble sleeping at night or anything?”

“I slept great, knowing that my bills were paid.”

“That was my only concern. That this isn’t something that tears you up inside now.”

“It’s really not. It’s something I’ve discussed with my therapist, and she thinks I’m in a good place with it.”

“You clearly seem to be.” James’s gaze darkened. “So let me guess... Ryan found out about it and is holding it over your head to get you to sleep with him?”

“Yup. Nailed it. I have no idea how he found me. I blurred my face, used an alias, and said I was located in Fresno.” Her stomach twisted. “But somehow he figured it out.”

“I’m assuming you paid taxes and stuff?”

“Yes, but—”

“He probably knows someone. Did some digging to find dirt on you. But he’s an idiot. He can’t blackmail you over this. Tori, you’re only required to inform the firm about any past legal trouble. What you did was perfectly legal. He just didn’t think you’d figure that out or tell me.”

Her mouth rounded in shock. “You don’t think they’d care?”

“It might raise a few eyebrows, but they sure wouldn’t fire you over it.”

“That’s a relief.” But it didn’t completely solve the Ryan problem. “I have to ask you a question, and I need you to be honest.”


God, she hated that she even had to ask. “Did you cheat on the bar in April?”

His mouth parted, and anger blazed in his narrowing eyes. “Of course not.”

“I didn’t think so, but it’s another thing Ryan is holding over my head. Just in case protecting my reputation isn’t enough, he’s now threatening yours. He said he has a witness willing to testify that you cheated.”

“What?” The color leached from James’s face, and he shook his head.

“He’s giving me until Monday before he goes public with my dirty laundry and your fake dirty laundry.”

Tags: Shelli Stevens Bro Code Romance