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“Wonder if they got a new chef,” Elliot muses. “The place is usually better than this.”

“I don’t think it’s that bad.” I always enjoy extra salt in my food when I’m on my period. Not that I’m going to announce my cycle at the dinner table. “If you want, I’ll eat it, and you can have the chicken or pork.”

“If I eat it with rice, it’s not as bad.” Nonny loves beef too much to give it up over something as minor as sodium content.

“By the way,” Elliot says to her, “are you going to be okay with eating alone on Friday?” he asks.

“Sure,” she says. “What’s up?”

I shoot a quick glance at him.

“Your sister and I are invited to dinner.”

“With who?” I ask.

“Gavin and his wife Amandine.”

I tense. Dennis said Gavin is the one doing the background check again. “What for?”

Elliot’s eyebrows rise.

Damn it. That wasn’t exactly what I wanted to say. “I mean, it’s not like they know me. Kind of unusual, isn’t it?”

Elliot is now looking at me like I’m some kind of alien. “Ah, inviting someone to dinner is a way of getting to know them.” He spreads his hands. “Gavin’s a friend. And Amandine is curious about you and wants to meet. That’s all.”

“Curious about me, huh?” I put my chopsticks down, abruptly losing interest in food. Elizabeth swore nobody knew about my arrangement with Elliot except his family, but she could’ve been mistaken. Why else would Amandine be “curious”? We’ve never met. I’d never even heard of the woman.

“What’s wrong?” Nonny asks.

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “You’re right about the food. It’s a little salty.” I reach for a bottle of water and manage to take a few sips for her benefit.

Elliot’s not buying my act. But my sister’s presence stops him from probing.

Nonny has one more bite of the chicken and yawns. “Okay, I can barely keep my eyes open. Can I be excused? I want to go to bed early.”

“Go ahead. I’m beat too. I think I’ll join you.” I stand up. “Are you done, Elliot? If so, I’ll clean it up.”

“Don’t bother. I’ll dump everything when I’m done.” His voice is firm and expressionless.

He’s annoyed, but that’s probably better than him wanting to probe.

Nonny and I squeeze each other good night. She also gives a hug to Elliot before going to her room. I hope her insomnia is over. It’ll stop when she’s feeling better.

I go upstairs and brush my teeth before jumping into the shower. I act fast, hoping to be in bed before Elliot shows up. That way I can pretend I’m asleep and avoid questions about my reaction to Amandine.

But…no such luck. Elliot is back as I put away the dryer.

He gives me a sidelong glance, his eyes filled with something I can’t quite read, then brushes his teeth. I go to the bedroom and get rid of my bra before crawling under the soft sheet with a sigh. It feels great to be horizontal and get some rest even though it’s going to take a while to fall asleep. I’m too cranky, and my stomach cramps are bad enough that it’s hard for me to sleep during the first two days of my period.

The mattress dips, and Elliot rests a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You’re tense.”

“I’m tired.” I press my lips. I should probably get this out before he starts kissing me. “I’m on my period,” I say it fast like I’m pulling a Band-Aid.

He digests that, then curses.

“At least I’m not pregnant.”

“There’s that.” He is quiet for a moment. “Did you take something?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance