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He lowers his voice. “There’s no reason for another one.”

“Maybe they’re trying to hire you on permanently. Didn’t you say your boss would help you?”

“Yeah, but they already checked me out. They’re doing it again…on Gavin’s orders.”

I frown. The n

ame seems vaguely familiar. “Gavin?”

“Gavin Lloyd. The head honcho. The billionaire. Why would he take a personal interest in someone like me?”

Ah. Now I remember. Elliot mentioned him briefly before we went to OWM to set up my account. “Okay, but why does this have anything to do with me or Elliot?”

Dennis snorts. “Come on, Annabelle. You have every reason to want to fuck me over.”

“Is that what you think? Dennis, I left Lincoln City because I wanted to start over. And even if I did have something against you, I don’t have that kind of influence over my husband. And Elliot has no reason to want to cause you any trouble.”

“I know he doesn’t like me. I don’t have to be a genius to know he’s the one who prompted Gavin to check me out again.”

“So what if he was? You passed the first time. Don’t tell me you did anything between then and now.”

Dennis breathes out roughly then studies his tumbler. “I didn’t tell them about who I really am.”

“What are you talking about?”

“They don’t know about my dad. I couldn’t let them know. It’s financial services. They would’ve never hired me with that kind of taint.”

“Dennis.” I hadn’t realized that when he decided to get a new name and start fresh, he also meant to rewrite his past.

“You owe me, Annabelle. It isn’t right that only you and your sister came out of it okay, not me. I don’t have a sugar momma as my backup plan.”

“I don’t owe you anything,” I say. “Your father—”

“He lost everything because of your dad!” he hisses. “He was a good man, respected by everyone. Your dad targeted mine. And it was specifically because, with my dad by his side, it would be easier to con everybody. The only thing my dad did wrong was trust the wrong person!”

An old pain pours through me like poison. It’s something so foul, so ugly that I try my best not to think about it. “And my parents got gunned down for that.”

“You think that makes us even?” Bitterness burns in Dennis’s eyes. “My dad died too. So did Mom. She went fucking insane and OD’d on sleeping pills.”

A gasp tears from my throat, and I cover my mouth with a hand. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” Dennis’s mom was such a sweetheart. I adored her.

“Then make it right,” he says. “Or I’m going to have a chat with your sister. Maybe she’ll be more reasonable.”

My body goes cold. “Keep Nonny out of this.”

“Can’t.” His hands tighten until his knuckles are bone-white. “You’re making it personal. I was doing fine until you showed up.”

“Dennis, listen to me.” I fix him with my eyes. “I had nothing to do with anything at OWM. Nothing.”

“I don’t give a shit. You fix it, Annabelle. Or I’m going to make you sorry.”

I breathe harshly. “Do you think threatening me is going to help you?”

“Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t. We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”

I get to my feet. “I’ve heard enough. Don’t ever contact me again.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance