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“Now?” I almost squeak.

“Or later today. Either way.”

“Uh…okay. Sure. Where?”

She gives me the location. “Does that work for you?”

“Yes.” It isn’t that far from OWM. “I have an appointment at ten. So can we meet afterward? Maybe between ten thirty and eleven?”

“Sounds great. And take your time. I’ll be resting my feet up. Gotta get some serious shopping done this afternoon.”


Exhaling roughly, I stare at my phone. I can’t believe I just agreed to meet with Elizabeth. And it sounds like she actually wants to see me as well. What does she want to talk about?

I almost jerk when my phone beeps, letting me know I have forty-five minutes till my appointment with Dennis. Ugh. Now I have to hurry or I’ll be late.

I rush to the walk-in closet to look for something I can wear. Not pink—Elliot told me that was more Elizabeth’s style, and I don’t want to look like I’m competing with her. Maybe the cerulean dress? It’s cute, with spaghetti straps, a fitted bodice and flaring skirt.

Damn. I don’t have time to dawdle. I put it on and pull my hair back into a messy ponytail and run a little lip gloss over my mouth. That should be good enough. Even though Elliot isn’t exactly a celebrity, he does get some media attention because of his relationship to Ryder. I don’t want to cause him any embarrassment, especially when he’s spent so much money to ensure I look the part. After slipping my feet into a pair of sandals, I drive to OWM using the GPS.

The Starbucks is easy to find, thank god. I’m running ten minutes late. It’s not super crowded, and I see Dennis at a booth in the back.

I grab an iced coffee and join him.

He has the complexion of an office worker who never gets any time off. Even so, it seems odd that he’s so pale. He’s gotta walk outside from time to time and gets some sun. This is L.A. after all. The whiteness of his skin makes his gray eyes look darker than they really are. His short sandy hair sits flat on his round head, and the rolled-up sleeves of his dress shirt reveal the smooth arms of a sedentary person.

Things have changed so much for him. Back when we were both in Lincoln City, he was a high school athlete. A baseball player, arrogant and cocky, although he wasn’t very good. But his father paid for the team’s equipment. I’m sure he knew that, but he never let it get in the way of trying to act like a popular jock.

I sit down across from him and wait, sipping my coffee. I don’t know where to start. I’m sure he has something to say, after all those angry texts. And frankly I’d rather have him begin.

He takes me in, fingers making little quarter-circles with his coffee cup. It isn’t long before he leans across the table. “You look good.”

It’s an overture of a sort. Dennis can be hot-headed and impetuous at times, but he’s not inherently a bad guy.

“Thank you.” I wish I could say the same, but I can’t bring myself to lie. We’d both know anyway. Shared history. “I guess things have gone well for you to be working at OWM. You seem to have a good boss.”

“Yeah, Pete’s okay. I like him, and I think he’ll help me get a permanent position at the firm…so long as I don’t screw up.”

“Well, great.” I pause, suddenly feeling awkward. I sip my coffee to buy a little time. No matter how uncomfortable this is, I should remember that none of what happened between our parents is his fault. “I’m glad you found something you like doing, Dennis.”

“Really?” His lips slant in an unpleasant line. “Then you have to make your husband back off.”

“Back off? What are you talking about?”

“You told him about me, didn’t you?”

I shake my head. “No. I haven’t told him anything.”

“Am I supposed to believe that?”

“Believe what you like, but I didn’t say anything to Elliot.”

“Don’t lie to me.” His hand wraps around my wrist.

I look at him, then deliberately take a long meaningful look around at the café full of people. “Let me go, right now.” He hangs on for one extra moment, then releases me. “I’m not playing twenty questions here, Dennis. If you don’t tell me what the problem is, I’m walking out.”

The muscles in his jaw clench. “I heard from a source in HR that they’re running a second background check on me.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance