Page 97 of Stealing the Bride

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“I was just wondering. It kind of came out of the blue.”

“That’s just Yuna. She’s big on taking care of the people around her. And before you ask, no, I didn’t give her your contact info, but she has a way of finding things out. I’m pretty sure the Hae Min Group has a team of top investigators on retainer.”

Damn. The possibility never even occurred to me. I lean closer and lower my voice. “You think she has this place bugged too?”

He laughs. “No. She knows what lines not to cross.” He watches me polish off my bacon, then hands me a slice of his. “So. You ready to go kick ass?”

“I guess. I mean, I know I can answer whatever Gavin Lloyd throws at me, but I don’t know if he’s not a jerk like some people say. Some of the articles I read weren’t very flattering.” At least none of them said he’s a sexist from the Dark Ages. That’s already a step up from my dad.

“Success attracts haters, and he’s very good at what he does. Besides, his assistant’s been with him since forever. If he was a dick, she would have left.”

“She might need the money, in case that’s never occurred to you.”

“Ha! She’s married to Mark Pryce, the restaurateur. She can quit whenever she wants.”

“Really?” I know nothing about her because people don’t think assistants deserve the spotlight. But in my experience, they’re the ones with real power because their bosses trust them so much. “Tell me about her. Is she difficult? Exacting?”

“As far as I know, Hilary’s down to earth. Surprisingly so, because she had this sensational Cinderella romance and married a billionaire.”

“Wonder why I’ve never heard about her, then.” Curie definitely would’ve said something. She loves high-society gossip.

“Because her husband’s family knows how to keep the media out, even though he made a spectacle of himself to woo her. Declared his love on the sides of skyscrapers, and with those smoke planes in air shows. Later he named one of his restaurants for her. Éternité.”

“Wow. That’s…over-the-top and sweet. How do you know so much? It isn’t the kind of gossip I thought you’d follow.”

“It isn’t. But she married”—he looks up at the ceiling, figuring something out—“Nate’s brother’s brother-in-law. Damn, that’s a mouthful. Anyway, Nate sometimes talks about them.”

We finish our breakfast. I start loading the dishwasher, needing a routine task to calm my nerves as the time draws closer to eleven.

“You go ahead and get ready for the interview. I’ll do it,” Court says.

“You cooked.”

“So? I don’t mind. Today’s your big day.”

I smile. “Thanks.”

“I know you’re going to wow them. I have faith in you.”

That brings warmth to my heart. I hate to even think about it before the interview, but I haven’t said a word to Dad about the possible opportunity at OWM. Not necessarily because I think he’ll wish me ill, but because I’m afraid how I’ll react if he tries to be nasty. That makes me a little sad, because I used to feel like I could tell him anything.

I shake myself inwardly. No negative thinking. I have Court cheering me on. I can deal with Dad on my own time.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I rub my hands nervously as I walk into the glitzy lobby of Omega Wealth Management. It’s airy and elegant, marble and crystals. Colors are muted and soothing to the eye. Curie would call it money with taste.

I smooth my hands over my best interview outfit: a conservative navy skirt suit and a silk round-neck top in the lightest cream color. My hair’s down. I thought about putting it up, but I look better when it’s down.

A leggy brunette walks past the security, her glossy mane twisted into a chignon. Now I wonder if I should do the same.

Stop overthinking. The hair won’t make any difference.

I know that intellectually. But there are still a billion ants crawling in my stomach.

I really want this job. It isn’t just about solving the immediate problem of needing a steady paycheck or staying in the city like I want to. OWM is bigger than SFG. I want to show Dad I’m not just good for being somebody’s wife.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance