Page 93 of Stealing the Bride

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“No!” I then tell her what happened in the kitchen. “Normally I would’ve texted, but he was acting so weird, telling me I need to focus on prepping for the interview and nothing else, before leaving. I actually thought he’d stay for…you know. Sexy time.” And why didn’t he? He’s a guy. He’s attracted to me. He knows I’m attracted to him. There was no reason for him to forgo that. It’s such an alien reaction.

“Maybe he just really wants you to do well in the interview tomorrow, and you’re overthinking it, like you’re overthinking how you feel about him.”

“But is it really love? It hasn’t even been three months.”

“Oh, so we’re working off Pascal’s Timeline, is that it?”

“No, but I wish there were some simple way to check, like a math problem.”

She laughs. “I think you love him. And if it isn’t love yet, it’s getting there. I’ve never seen you obsess about a guy like this. You usually just sort of keep them around the periphery while you focus on your goals.”

Yes. My goals. Court isn’t my goal. Impressing Gavin is. “You’re right. I can’t worry about him on top of the interview. He’s probably just distracted and busy right now.”

“Exactly. He’ll text you soon to wish you luck.”

Of course, I tell myself, feeling more optimistic. It isn’t like him otherwise. He probably got another letter from his dad’s lawyer. How weird is that, a father communicating with his son through a lawyer? But maybe that’s what happens when a family has too much money.

“You’re going to crush this interview, arise, phoenix-like, from the ashes, and triumph!” Currie says.

I laugh. “It’s an interview, not a war.”

We chat some more, this time about her house hunting, because I need the distraction, and hang up. Curie is smart about stuff like this. And she’s right. Court’s going to text me as soon as he can.

A text arrives on my phone. Hey, it’s Yuna. Want to come over for a spa day today?

For a moment, I stare at the invitation, confused. This must be the Yuna I met at Court’s place. It’s not like I know another one. But why is she inviting me to a spa day? We don’t know each other well enough, and even if we did, I can’t really accept, since I need to be careful with money until I get a new job.

And the interview is tomorrow. Just thinking about that makes hope and anxiety rush through—

Another text arrives. My treat. I need a spa buddy. Can’t spa alone.

I hesitate. It seems crazy for her to offer like that. Spas aren’t cheap, and it isn’t like we’re tight friends. Are you sure? I respond.

Very. It isn’t that much money. And seriously, nobody can spa alone. It’s just not possible according to the Laws of Spa.

I seriously doubt there are any Laws of Spa, but I can’t resist her cajoling. Besides, she said it wasn’t that expensive, so maybe she just wants somebody to sit and chat with her to do mani and pedi or something simple. And I could use a little makeover before the interview. Some in-spa-ration.

Puns always make me feel better. Okay.

Perfect! There’s a car waiting for you outside.

A what is waiting where? I shake my head, then decide maybe she mis-texted. I can drive.

Yeah, but you won’t be able to drive back. Not after we’re done.

I frown. What kind of spa treatment makes you unable to drive?

And now that I’m thinking about it, how did she get my number and address? From Court? I’m almost tempted to check with him, but then I stop. I don’t want our first text since that awkward evening to be about this. Besides, if Yuna were some kind of weirdo, she wouldn’t have been invited to his place, would she?


; I grab my purse and step outside my apartment building. And just stare at a blinding white limo with a uniformed chauffeur standing next to it. This can’t be the car Yuna meant… Can it?

“Ms. Snyder?” the chauffeur says.

“Yes?” I almost squeak.

He smiles and opens the door for me.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance