Page 79 of Stealing the Bride

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She goes all Madame Butterfly on him, fluttering her eyelashes innocently. That’s a danger sign. Yuna doesn’t do that unless she’s trying to flirt with you…or kill you.

“How?” she asks. “You shuffled and dealt the cards.”

“She has a point,” Ivy says from the couch she’s sharing with Tony. “Unless you gave her the best cards on purpose.”

“Why would I do that?” Nate asks.

“I don’t know.” Ivy shrugs. “Maybe you’re in love with her?”

I cough, a laugh caught in my throat. Nate looks at her like she’s lost her mind. And I have to agree. Nate loves women, but is never in love with them.

“Are you, Nate darling?” Yuna’s eyelashes are fluttering faster.

He scowls. “My heart is impervious. An impregnable castle.”

I roll my eyes at his dramatic and superior tone.

Yuna sniffs. “One of these days, some woman’s going to bring you to your knees, and you’re going to lick dirt off the ground she walks upon.”

He shudders. “Gross.”

Yuna and Ivy chortle, while Tony merely smiles. I snort a laugh. Nate is fastidious. Even if the ground were covered with flecks of gold, he wouldn’t put his mouth anywhere close to it.

“Can we order something to eat? I’m starving,” Ivy says, placing a hand over her belly. “Unless Court is cooking?”

Nate blanches. “Definitely not. I want to live.”

I pluck a Kleenex from the table next to me, wad it up and throw it at him. “I’m not that bad.”

Yuna raises her hand. “No one is risking death tonight.” She turns to Ivy. “Since you’re pregnant, you should choose.”

“That’s a good point,” I say. “Another one is that pregnant women throw up all the time. Pregnant stomachs that hold on to food are as rare as unicorn horns. She might as well get the maximum pleasure out of eating, especially when she might hurl it back up.”

Ivy regards me blandly. “Pizza.”

“Sounds perfect,” Nate says.

“Agreed,” Tony says.

“I want mine loaded with meat and sausage,” Yuna says.

I look at her, amazed that she has somehow guessed exactly what I was going to say—again. She maintains that she’s Ivy’s soul sister, but I swear she’s really mine. “You always want what I want.”

“It’s because I don’t have anybody telling me to watch my weight here in the U.S.”

“People tell you that in Korea?” Yuna’s so skinny that the slightest wind could blow her away.

“It’s a long story.” She blows out a breath and presses her lips together.

I turn to the two ladies who tag after Yuna everywhere. “How about you?”

“They don’t need anything,” Yuna says before they can respond.

I look at Yuna’s tightly pursed mouth and the scowl forming on her face. They must’ve upset her somehow. She’s generally pretty laid-back and kind. “Sure they do.”

“They can ask my mother to feed them if they’re hungry.”

They must’ve told her mom something she wanted to keep secret. Yuna’s mom can be…forceful, to put it mildly. The entire Pacific Ocean between her and her daughter isn’t enough to deter her.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance