Page 50 of Stealing the Bride

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When I walk into the living room, Ivy and Tony wave from the love seat they’re sharing. They’re sitting with their arms and legs touching, like there are ropes tying them together.

“You made it.” Ivy smiles warmly.

“And with flowers,” Tony says. “Although that rosé you filched is worth more than tiger lilies and orchids.”

“Oh, shut it,” I say. “You have more wine than you can drink in your lifetime. Sharing is caring.”

Yuna stands, looking like she’s just come from a relaxing day at a spa instead of a trans-Pacific flight. Her hair is dyed dark auburn and is longer now, hanging almost to her lower back. There’s a slight gold tint to her skin, which is always pale. But from what Ivy’s said, milky is how she prefers her complexion. She’s exceptionally slim, too. I swear, her family needs to spend some money on food, not fancy designer dresses and shoes.

“Court, so great to see you.” She gives me a tight hug.

I hug her back. “Good to see you too. How long it’s been?”

“Two months. An eternity.”

I laugh. She’s always so dramatic.

She tugs me toward another sofa. We sit together.

She cranes her neck, looking behind me. “So… You came alone?”

“Were you expecting someone?” I shoot her a teasing smile. “I have a good friend if you’re looking for a husband. Ticks off all the boxes. Rich. Pretty enough. Educated. Decent personality, too.”

Nate would skin me if he were here. He’s enjoying his bachelorhood too much to settle down. But I know Yuna won’t take my offer seriously.

Sure enough, her cute little face scrunches. “Don’t even start.” She leans closer and lowers her voice. “You see those two women over there?” She gestures surreptitiously.

I follow the line of her hand. Two impeccably dressed Asian women with their black hair pulled back give me polite smiles so identical that it’s almost creepy. Must be Yuna’s entourage.

I turn back to Yuna. “Are they going to report everything I say to your mom?”

“Undoubtedly. Mom says they’re for my ‘safety and comfort,’ but they’re really spies. And they’re perfectly bilingual, with exceptional hearing.”

I bite back a laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind. No state secrets.”

“And no talk of husbands. Mom’s been trying to set me up with a bunch of suitable men.” She rolls her eyes. “Do you know how hard it is to deflect her?”

I can imagine. Yuna’s mom is just like her—a force of nature. It’d be easier to deflect a hurricane.

Yuna straightens. “Besides, I was wondering about the fifty-dollar girl. Ivy said you might bring her.”

My mood darkens a bit. Should’ve expected Ivy to tell Yuna. Those two tell each other everything. “She’s not coming.”

“Why not?”

“She’s busy.” Not technically a lie, because Skittles might really be busy right now.

On Sunday evening. Yeah, right.

“Don’t judge, but the headline was so trashy that I had to click on it,” Yuna says.

Oh, shit. The fucking tabloids.

“I read all about how you went to Maui, and um…”

“And kidnapped the wrong girl,” Tony says dryly.

“Hey, they’re identical twins. And it’s really TJ’s fault. He gave me the wrong twin’s name.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance