Page 104 of Stealing the Bride

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Although Court seems okay now, I’m still reeling a little. It isn’t because I’ve never met the mothers of my exes before. None of them were anything remotely like Margot Blackwood.

She’s prettier than I thought she would be from the photos. She has amazing bones, and Court definitely got his looks from her, especially his eyes. But unlike him, she has no warmth. I’ve never met a person so cold. When she held my hands, shivers went up my arms.

I panicked inside, though. I was so worried about making a good impression on her that I freaked out silently about what she’d think, what with me here in my wrinkled clothes and looking like I just had sex.

As the visit went on, it was obvious I didn’t have to care that much. Instead of making me relieved, it upset me more. I hate it that I’ll never have to worry about how she perceives me. I wish Court had a mom who he could have a tight, loving relationship, not the reptilian Margot. The shuttered and tight expression on his face… God, it hurt like hell to see. He’s usually so carefree and laid-back that it never occurred to me he could grow that dark and miserable.

What she said about girls judging their men by how they treat their mom is true. But what I told her is also true. I do trust him. And her cruel parting shot proved me correct. She doesn’t have the right to ask anything of him. Not like that.

And I hate it that she ruined our buoyant mood. Well, you know what? Fuck it. Court is right. This day should’ve been awesome. No. It will be awesome. I refused to let my dad screw up my self-esteem and goals, and I’m not letting Margot screw things up either.

“You got any champagne? Wanna drink it and have a second round of celebration?” I ask, giving him a come-hither look.

He kisses my forehead. “I have a bottle or two, but I thought you wanted to gloat a bit.”


Court grins. “If you want, we can hire a plane to skywrite it outside your dad’s office. F U I got a new job! I’m sure I can find one to do that right now.”

I laugh. “You’re insane, but the idea does have a certain appeal. In fact, a lot of appeal.” And my God, it’d be hilarious. I’d give a kidney to see Dad’s expression. But… “Let’s be realistic. I think texting will work just as well.” I start typing on my phone, letting everyone on my contact list know I’m starting a new position at Omega Wealth Management.

It doesn’t take long before congrats start popping up on my screen.

Mom: I’m baking your favorite chocolate cake and cookies this Saturday. Bring Court.

Rodney: Congrats! I knew you’d find another great opportunity.

My other coworkers express similar sentiments. Curie texts, I knew it! Yay you! We gotta celebrate tonight! I’ll grab you after Joe’s done with his photo shoot. Dinner & drinks!

Her enthusiasm makes me grin. I was thinking about a more private celebration with Court, but going out with my sister and her husband is just the thing to erase the funk of the unpleasant visit with his mom. I’m at Court’s. Why don’t we meet you at the restaurant?

Cool. I always wanted to try this new place out. She texts me the name and location of a Mexican restaurant.

I turn to Court. “Is Mexican good for dinner?”

The last remnant of tension vanishes, and his smile finally regains its full brightness. “Sounds perfect.”

Great. See you at six thirty, seven?

See you then. And bring your boyfriend.

I put the phone away and look at Court. “That was Curie. She wants to have dinner and drinks. She specifically wants you there.”

He gives me a strange look. “She did?”

I nod.

“She isn’t going to try to poison me, is she?” He raises an exaggerated eyebrow.

I laugh. The notion is so ludicrous. “You didn’t think Dad would, but you’re worried she might?”

“Well, I did try to steal her away from her fiancé at her wedding. But only because I didn’t know it wasn’t you.”

I flick a finger across the tip of his nose. “Relax. She won’t try to poison you or kill you. Do you want me to give you a signed affidavit?”

“Won’t be necessary. I trust you, just like you put trust in me earlier when my mom was here.”

The simple, absolute statement puts a lump in my throat. Emotions swell in my chest, and I can’t do anything except stare at him. The need I have for him isn’t just a physical connection or fun. Maybe at first it was. But now it’s deeper and stronger, like we’re tied at the soul.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance