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“That’s true, but…” Skye sighed. “That’s too bad.”

“Is it not serious enough that he wants to ignore his flying phobia to support you in San Francisco?” Lucy asked.

Crap. “No, it isn’t like that. We’re pretty serious. I’m planning to go to Dallas to be with him.”

“For real?” Skye said, her jaw slack.

“About ninety-nine percent certain.” I reserved one percent just in case.

Skye and Lucy both formed perfect Os with their mouths.

Skye laughed first. “Oh my God! You’re in love!”


“Am not,” I said quickly, even as my belly started cartwheeling inside me. Love sounded way too serious and much, much too soon. “It’s just a trial. I’m not selling my place in Virginia.”

“Yeah, but you’re thinking about moving to another state for him!” Lucy said, her eyes bright. “I think it’s amazing. Like a romance novel. Instalove with an irritating but super-hot next-door neighbor.”

“And it’s perfect because you don’t have to give up your job or anything. The best happy ending,” Skye added.

“This is real life, not a book. It’s a lot more complicated,” I said, because it had to be more complicated. Otherwise nobody would be cheating on their spouse or getting divorced or crying their heart out over a broken relationship.

“How complicated can it be? He sounds like a decent guy,” Skye said.

“What do you mean, ‘sounds like’? I haven’t told you anything about him.”

“He cooks.” In her mind, any guy who cooked for a woman was a great catch.

“Well…yeah. He does cook. He also reads my books,” I said.

“Does he enjoy them?” Lucy asked.

“I think so.”

“Total winner! Is he better than Scott in bed?” Skye demanded.

“Scott who?” I didn’t have any ex named Scott. Neither did Skye or Lucy as far as I knew.

“Your hero from That Hot Night. His book has the best sex you’ve ever written,” she said. “And the hero was hung like a stallion, with endless stamina.”

Lucy nodded. “That’s true. In one romance group I’m in, he got voted ‘hero I’d most want to bone’ last year.”

I knew which one she was talking about. I’d been so flattered when the group admin emailed me a banner to put on my social media and website. And I put it up proudly.

“So. Better or worse?” Skye of the one-track mind asked.

“Better,” I said immediately. Scott was my imagination. Killian was not. And he was incredibly enthusiastic in bed. With great technique and raw power. And endurance.

Skye and Lucy let out loud squeals.

Lucy fanned herself. “You have to bring him to the signing!”

“Totally! I’ll pay for his airfare! And enough Xanax to chill him out!”

“A man who can give you better-than-Scott sex is totally worth going to Dallas for,” Lucy said. “He might even give you better-than-Scott romance, too!”

I laughed softly. I’d had similar thoughts about Killian. Optimism began to bloom.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance