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Should I ask Killian if he wanted to go? He could see photos of authors and their significant others at the signing, and might feel excluded if I didn’t even ask. But at the same time, I didn’t want to make it seem as though he had to now that I knew how much he disliked flying. It was one of those situations that required a delicate touch.

Then there was the matter of him being a rock star. Unlike other husbands, people would recognize him. Which would then cause a stir and take some of the spotlight away from the authors who showed up. And that would be unfair to them. I didn’t want to do that to my fellow writers.

Maybe there was no point in even bringing it up when I couldn’t really have him come with me anyway. Shit. I should just tell him I was going to San Francisco for a signing and leave it at that.

–Lucy: Blue has a few friends in the Bay Area, so we’re going to spend some time with them, too. Emily, you can join us. Some of them are single.

Lucy the matchmaker. She believed everyone had a soul mate out there, just waiting to be discovered. Unlike me, who thought the whole soul mate thing was an overrated fantasy. But then… Killian shared the same belief as Lucy. He’d told me he believed in everlasting love, like what his parents had shared.

–Skye: Ooh. Are they cute?

–Lucy: Unless the pictures are photoshopped, some of them are totally cute. Blue said they’re great dancers too. You know dancers have good moves in bed. I can vouch for that from experience.

I thought of Killian—the way he’d shone on stage and electrified the crowd. The way he kissed me and set me on fire that night and every night since. My heart throbbed at the memory, my breathing growing slightly shallow. No man had mesmerized me the way he did, and I doubted anybody would again.

I should let my friends know I was unavailable before Lucy wasted energy trying to set me up with someone. And withhold as much info as possible about Killian.

–Me: No, thanks. I’m seeing someone now.

–Lucy: WHAT?

–Skye: Since when? How come you never told us?

–Me: It’s sort of recent. And I’ve been busy.

That was a terrible partial lie. I just hadn’t been able to figure out how to say I was dating, because then they’d want to know every detail, and I knew I couldn’t tell them everything, especially when Killian had made it clear he wanted his privacy. But Lucy and Skye were persistent—you couldn’t make it in the writing business if you weren’t—and I didn’t want to deal with an inquisition. I didn’t think they’d sell the info to some trashy tabloid, but they might let something slip. And Skye’s daughter was totally into music, so she would recognize Killian for sure.

–Skye: You are NEVER too busy to talk about a new man in your life!

–Lucy: Details!

–Skye: Hold on. I’m calling. This requires a real convo, not just texting. Gimme a sec.

Torn between amusement and a pinch of dread, I waited. Skye always claimed she and technology didn’t get along. But when she needed to gossip, suddenly she became a tech magician.

And there it was. A three-way video call from her. Since her kids were in school right at the moment, she was doing it all on her own.

Skye’s wide brown eyes filled the screen. “Okay, you have to tell us everything. I can’t believe you found the time to write, edit, plan a release and find a man, all at the same time!”

Lucy nodded, tendrils escaping her messy topknot. “Seriously.”

“It’s my neighbor,” I said, trying not to give too much information.

“The one who drummed?” Skye said.

“And borrowed your hot water?” Lucy asked.

“I guess he didn’t poison you…”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I said. “Yes to everything.”

“Are we going to meet him soon? Like…in the next week?” Skye asked.

“I…doubt it.”

Lucy’s face fell. “He couldn’t take time off?”

“It’s not about taking time off. He doesn’t like flying. And it’s a long way to San Francisco.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance