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“Today’s going to be a great day!” I said as I pulled on my tightest mini-skirt. I twirled in front of the mirror and turned to my new roommate, Ash. “I can’t wait for classes to end so we can go out tonight.”

“But it’s Wednesday.”

“Yeah it is! Hump day!” I froze when my eyes registered her outfit. “What in the actual F are you wearing right now?”

Ash looked down at her t-shirt that was two sizes too big and her baggy sweats. “My first class doesn’t start for another three hours.”

“So you’ll change before that?”


I put my hand on my hip. “That did not sound very convincing. Girl, you need to show some more skin if you want to find yourself a good bang for this weekend. Try this.” I tossed her my second favorite mini-skirt.

She caught it but did not look very excited. “I’m here to study marketing, not bang randos all weekend.”

I laughed. “All weekend? I like your style.”

“I said I wasn’t going to bang guys all weekend.”

Poor, sweet Ash. I was about to change her whole world. “Get dressed. We’re going to find ourselves some men in our classes today.”

“Umm…change?” She held the skirt in front of her like a shield. “What about your bodyguards?”

“Oh, them?” I gestured to the two burly men standing in the corner of our room staring at us. “Just pretend they’re invisible.”

“How do you expect me to pretend that?” Ash hissed.

Hmm. She had a good point. I was used to Ghost and Teddybear following me around. But they’d been especially annoying ever since I came to college. I’d have to figure out a way to ditch them. In the meantime…they were invisible. I pulled off my shirt and changed into a crop top.

Ash just stared at me like I was insane.

“You’re so silly, bestie.”

She smiled.

I wasn’t sure what was going on with her. Was it a body image thing? Because I couldn’t find a single thing wrong with changing in front of my two hot bodyguards. Having eyes on my body made me feel fierce. It seemed to make Ash feel the exact opposite. But I got along with her really well. Surprisingly enough, a lot of girls hated me. No idea why.

But I liked Ash. We’d only been living together for a week and we already had dinner together every night. She was my new bestie. And besties helped besties with their self-image. I’d help her break out of her shell in no time. “It’s fine. I’ll go and take Ghost and Teddybear with me. And then you can change into that.” I pointed to the skirt I’d tossed at her. “And this!” I pulled a tank top out of my closet and gave it to her before walking to the door. “See you for dinner?”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

“And you better be wearing that! Later!” I left the room and my bodyguards followed me. Yeah, they were definitely getting annoying. Back in high school it was one thing. All my friends understood that Daddy was a little overprotective. But here in college, they were definitely cramping my style. I’d have to call Daddy and fix this. Or ditch them. I’d figure it out. I didn’t want them to make me lose my first female friend in ages. Ash came before hot bodyguards 100%. I eyed them over my shoulder. How do I make you two disappear?

When I was staring at them over my shoulder I bumped into someone. Literally. No, not just someone. A very handsome someone. Two strong arms caught me. I looked up into dark brown eyes. And the cutest dimple in his left cheek. And that smile? Yum.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I am now.”

He laughed and made sure I was stable before releasing me from his grip. He was taller than I first thought. And his shoulders were so much broader. I bet he could carry me over his shoulder and have his way with me so easily. I bit my lip.

“You new on campus?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you around.”

“Brand new.”

“A freshman?” He raised his eyebrows.

“A freshman with the attitude of a senior who doesn’t give a shit.”

Tags: Ivy Smoak Romance