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His fingers thrust deep, over and over as he sucked hard on my clit, giving me the silent permission that I didn’t know I needed. I gave it up hard, falling over the edge with a ragged cry as I convulsed around his hand. The thrusts slowed, though he kept going until my pussy stopped contracting around him. With one last, tender lick, he crawled up on top of me and leaned down for a long, hungry, tongue-tangling kiss.

I tasted myself on him, but I didn’t mind at all.

“Take these off,” I said after he broke the kiss.

I pulled at his boxer-briefs and he laughed as he helped me slide them down his legs. He tossed them over his shoulder and into some other darkened corner of the room, and finally—finally, I got a good look at his straining cock in all its naked glory. Long and thick, surging from a nest of well-trimmed dark curls.

Gorgeous and hard like the rest of him, I thought as my gaze swept his well-kept body. He was big and built, with firm muscles and dark, well-groomed hair on his chest. However old he was—and he was definitely older than me, judging by the crow’s feet around his eyes and the laugh lines that bracketed his mouth—he was the handsomest man I had ever seen. And by far the sexiest.

He didn’t give me much more time to admire him as he rolled on a condom then effortlessly slid me up the length of the bed, before rolling me underneath his big body as he smothered me with a wild kiss. Our tongues twined together as his hands roamed my body, caressing my breasts, stomach, and ass, as he wound my legs around his muscular hips.

“Are you ready for my big cock to fill up your tight little pussy?” he murmured after breaking the kiss. His lips moved down and he gently bit the side of my neck. “You came so nicely for me a minute ago, do you think you could do it again?”

I laughed shakily. “I’d love to try.”

He slid a hand down and swatted my flank, and I yelped as the arousing sensation ricocheted through me. He soothed the slight sting with a gentle caress. “Don’t try. Youwillcome again, around my dick. I’ll make sure of it.”

He sat up and fitted the head of his shaft to my entrance while my thighs lay spread across his. I felt splayed out and exposed to his roving gaze, and I didn’t justlike it, I fuckinglovedit.

This was a hell of a way to end a dry spell.

“Ready?” he asked.

I nodded, and he leaned down and ran a gentle hand along my face, an oddly tender gesture from this aggressive dirty talker who had already given me the best orgasm of my life.

So far, anyway.

With a single, smooth movement, he pushed his cock all the way in. I gasped and arched my back, feeling speared and stuffed, full almost to the point of pain—but not quite—as he seated himself to the hilt. He reached between us and toyed gently with my clit as he rocked in and out. Not quite thrusting, just a slow, sexy grind as he gave me time to acclimate myself to his size.

“So gorgeous on my cock,” he rumbled, his eyes fixated on where we were joined so intimately.

With his other hand, he reached out and tweaked an already-sensitive nipple, and I yelped in surprise. He laughed and leaned down to soothe the burn with the hot brush of his tongue. Winding my legs tighter around his hips, I hooked them together at the ankles behind his back as his thrusts picked up speed. He groaned, deep and dark, even as his tongue still swiped at my nipple.

Without warning, he grabbed me around the waist and rolled to his back, leaving me seated on top of him, still impaled on his cock, with his hands free to roam. I sighed as I leaned back to brace my palms on his thighs as I rolled my hips sinuously while I rode him. He reached out with a thumb to tease my clit as I bounced on his cock, both of us groaning with pleasure.

I felt like a fucking goddess on top of him, my hair and breasts swaying, and the way his hungry gaze devoured me, maybehefelt that way too.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he coaxed. With his free hand, he gripped my hip to help me pick up the pace as he thrust into me more rhythmically. “Fuck yourself on my cock. Do whatever you need to do to come for me again.”

I could feel my orgasm building inside me like a rising tide and brushed his fingers to the side to rub my clit myself, exactly the way I wanted it. Needed it. He grasped my other hip and ground me into his dick while he pounded up into me.

I came in a rush, just as hard as my first orgasm. He found his own climax a split second later, groaning while his body shook with the force of his own pleasure. I sagged on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as I buried my nose in his neck. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes, both of us breathing hard while the sweat cooled on our skin.

After a few minutes, he finally broke the silence. He dropped a kiss on my head and with a single finger, lifted my chin to look into my eyes.

“That was a good first try,” he said, flashing me that lopsided smile again. My heart unexpectedly fluttered, and I smiled back. “Let’s see if we can do better during round two.”

Chapter Four


Two years earlier

“Denton,” my wife said. Her tone was almost maddeningly calm, and it just made me even angrier. Shouldn’t marriages end with more of a bang? I thought we should both be fighting—with each other or for our marriage, I wasn’t sure which—but the blankness on her beautiful face nearly broke me in two.

“Elyse, I love you,” I started, willing to find a way to repair the damage. “We can go to therapy, we can figure it out.”

She shook her head sadly. “Denton,” she starts again, “It’s not working and nothing will change that. I’m in love with someone else. We aren’t right for each other anymore. I wish it hadn’t happened like that, but it did. And I’m sorry for hurting you, but we both deserve to be happy.”

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance