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As we waited, he shifted closer and I felt a hot hand slide along my bottom, pulling at the fabric of my skirt until my panty-clad ass was completely exposed to the open air. My face burned hot, but I didn’t say anything, unwilling to attract the attention of the older couple in front of us as they stared at the numbers above the door. I felt those thick fingers slide inside the silky material until they rested directly against my heated skin. He worked them back and forth, back and forth, quietly and gently, until a single finger nestled between the cheeks of my ass, teasing the sensitive flesh. I bit back a moan and stole a glance over at him, but his gaze stayed firmly fixed ahead at the elevator doors. I wiggled against his hand, a silent request for more, but his fingers never strayed further.

It was maddening.

The door dinged again and slid open at our floor. I yanked my skirt back into place and hauled ass off the elevator, my mystery man in hot pursuit behind me.

“Which way?” I panted as the elevator doors closed.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the left, a mercifully short walk before he stopped to open his door.

“This fucking thing,” he swore as he fumbled with the keycard.

Finally, on the third try the lock beeped and we both hurtled inside the cool darkness of his room, a whirling flurry of arms and legs as we both grabbed at clothing. I heard a rip as I yanked his shirt over his head, but I didn’t give a shit. I just needed to see him,allof him, and feel his hard body against mine.

He took a brief moment to retrieve a few condoms from his overnight bag, and then he was back. I was down to just a bra and panties as he crowded me toward the bed. My legs hit the edge and I sat down hard, bouncing on the luxe mattress as he continued his relentless advance. I reached out and yanked at his belt buckle and fly until his pants were undone, revealing the dark bulge of his dick beneath a single layer of black cotton. The pants fell to the floor and I went for his boxer briefs next, purring with satisfaction as I pulled the stretchy fabric down and his thick erection sprang free.

“Nice,” I said huskily, taking him in my hand and rubbing my thumb over his fat, weeping crown. “Very nice.”

But before I could lean forward and taste him, he planted his hand between my breasts and pushed firmly, until I was flat on my back as he loomed over me.

“You can play with my cock later,” he rumbled. “I want to see you, and touch you, and taste you first.”

I reached behind my back to flick the clasp of my bra open as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my panties, zipped them down my legs, and tossed the scrap of fabric aside. Goosebumps rippled across my skin under his hot, unrelenting stare, and I bit back a moan as he nudged my legs apart with those big hands. Willingly, I spread them as wide as he wanted them to go.

“Look at you,” he breathed in awe. He knelt on the floor, lowering himself until he was eye level with my wet, swollen folds. With a single finger, he reached out and traced the seam, his rough fingertip just brushing the throbbing bud of my clit. “You’re all wet. Is that for me?”

“You know it is.” I wanted to nudge myself closer, try to get him to touch me some more or maybe use his tongue, but something about him made me want to hold still, to submit to his slow, aggressive perusal.

The wait would make the main event all the better, I was sure.

“Tell me what you want.” He looked up at me, holding my gaze as he stroked his finger along my slit one more time, just grazing my clit again. “Do you want me to lick this pussy?”

His dirty words made me want to come on the spot, and I bit my lip to stave off the rising tide. “Yes,” I groaned.

“Uh-uh,” he said with a slow shake of his head and a wicked grin on his lips.

He lowered his face until he almost touched my wet flesh with his tongue. When he breathed out, I could feel the air puff against me, and it made me want to weep with frustration.

“Say it back to me,” he ordered, his hot breath still teasing me.

“I w-want you to l-lick my pussy,” I stammered, unused to vocalizing my wants and desires. “Please.”

He chuckled. “I’d love to.”

Without further delay, he dragged his tongue up through my folds, from my dripping entrance all the way to my clit, making my thighs quiver with the pleasure of that sensual stroke. He groaned and licked again before going right for my clit with firm, fluttering licks. He slid a thick finger inside of me and thrust gently, before adding a second to fuck in and out of me in slow, sensual strokes that made my hips undulate beneath the decadent onslaught of pleasure. I nearly wept as I ground myself against his face, and I threaded my fingers into his hair as I rocked against his talented mouth.

I gasped and nearly jumped as a third finger prodded at the tender bud of my asshole. He gently worked the finger in—his pinky finger, I thought, and not very far, but enough that I nearly saw stars as he fucked into me more aggressively with his fingers and the pace of his licks turned frantic.

“Pinch your nipples for me,” he muttered against my pussy.

“What…?” I said, twisting my neck to look down at him. He raised his head to stare at me, his fingers still thrusting into both places with breath-stealing precision.

“Pinch your nipples,” he said again, this time in a more commanding tone, and I felt myself gush on his fingers as he delivered the order. “I want to see you play with your nipples while I make this pussy cream all over my face.”

Obediently, I twisted and pulled my sensitive nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, and the sensations were like lightning, zipping right down between my legs as I rolled the tender buds. His eyes remained fixed on mine as he leaned down again to tease my clit with fluttering little strokes of his tongue.

Everything about this encounter was decadent, dirty and different, and so fuckinghotthat I wondered if he was going to ruin me for other men.

“Oh, God . . . I’m going to come,” I gasped.

Tags: Kaylee Monroe Romance