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He didn’t waste a second, and Luca didn’t complain. Unlike his brothers, he wasn’t as cool with sharing me at the same time. But as Marcello stripped and bent me over Luca, he didn’t say a word. He clutched my curls in his fist and shoved my mouth onto his cock as Marcello broke through my inner walls.

Wrapping my hand around Luca, I pumped him into my mouth, taking him inch by inch until I could feel him in the back of my throat. His groans turned feral as I hummed on his big dick while his brother fucked me without mercy.

Marcello gripped my hips, slamming in and out of me like he would never get to fuck me again. My protective prince was usually the sweet one. He never made waves and always treated me like I was breakable. But whenever we were both around Luca, he got more possessive of me.

More aggressive.

Tears leaked from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. Luca noticed I couldn’t handle all of him, not with the size of his monster cock, and popped out of my mouth.

He swiped his thumbs across my cheeks to wipe away the tears. “She’s pregnant, asshole,” Luca snapped at Marcello. “Calm the fuck down.”

After Marcello came inside me, he completely stilled. His fingers slid beneath my chin, and he tilted my head back until our eyes met. “Are you okay, princess? Did I fuck you too hard?”

I shook my head. “No. It felt good.”

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and groaned. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

Annoyed with him, Luca shoved him to the side and then lifted me onto his lap. He drove into me, his cock was so deep inside me he could have left an imprint. Marcello played with my nipples while Luca bounced me up and down on his cock. It felt so good to be loved and worshiped by both of them.

I loved seeing Luca so protective over me. Even though I didn’t need him to yell at Marcello mid-sex for being too rough. It wasn’t the first time I almost choked on one of them.

Another orgasm stirred inside me. Heat spread down my chest, arms, and thighs. I clutched Luca’s shoulders and kissed him as my entire body trembled, hitting the peak of my climax. And then Luca was right after me, losing himself.

“My Queen D.” Luca gave my ass a light tap. “You’re delicious.”

Before I collapsed, he hooked his arm around my middle and sat me beside him on the couch. Drenched in sweat, Marcello plopped down beside us, naked and looking so fucking sexy. His hand rested on my knee. I was a little tired, which was a common theme lately, but I still wanted more.

The front door slammed.

All three of us shot up from the couch. We didn’t bother to put on clothes and walked into the hallway.

Luca moved in front of us, hands on his hips, as his brothers strolled down the corridor toward us. “So? What did he say?”

Bastian and Damian stared at us as if they weren’t in their bodies. It wasn’t the same as when Damian went to his dark serial killer place. There wasn’t the same crazed look in his green eyes. It was vacant, like no one was home, and it chilled me to the bone.

Bastian blinked a few times in rapid succession while Damian lookedthroughme. How the hell did they drive from The Hamptons in this condition?

I stepped forward and waved my hand in front of Bastian’s face. “Hey, talk to us.” His eyes lowered at me. “Bash, what happened?”

“He’s dead,” he muttered.

When I looked into his eyes, they were glassy and red around the rim. Like he had been crying.

I inched my fingers up his arm. “Are you okay?”

He shook his head.

“What fucking happened?” Luca’s deep voice echoed off the high ceiling. “What did he say?”

“He killed our parents,” Bastian bit out, and then latched onto Damian, dragging him in the opposite direction.

My mouth dropped at his confession. Even Luca and Marcello looked equally surprised.

“Where are you going?” I asked them.

“We need to be alone,” Bastian said without looking back at me.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic