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I couldn’t drink, so I busied my mind by dancing for my men. Moving my hips to the beat, I made my way over to Luca.

He gripped the backs of my thighs. “Dance for me.”

“I thought I was.”

He patted his leg with a sinful look in his pretty blue eyes. “Get up here and dance on my cock, baby girl.”

I climbed on top of him and straddled his thighs. Luca pulled down the top of my dress. Marcello scooted across the leather sofa and grabbed my other breast. My eyes slammed shut when Marcello’s mouth closed over my nipple, sucking and biting so hard I squealed. He looked up at me with the tiny bud between his teeth. I shoved my hands through his black hair and moaned as he nibbled on my skin.

Luca’s hand moved between my thighs. “Do you need to come again, baby?”

I licked my lips and nodded.

With each flick of Marcello’s tongue, I soaked right through my panties. Luca pushed his finger inside me over the fabric. The friction drove me insane, especially with the two of them working together to make me come.

Luca inched his hand up my throat, his fingers branding my skin. He tightened his grip and brought my lips to his, invading my mouth with a savage hunger.

I pushed my dress up my thighs, and he plunged two fingers inside me. “Luca,” I cried out, and then whimpered, “Marcello.”

While Marcello bit my sore nipple, I thrust my hips into Luca’s hand, greedy and begging for more. I leaned forward and clutched their shoulders to steady myself as my skin heated from the inferno brewing within.

“That’s it, baby,” Luca growled, his blue eyes wild with desire. “Come for us. Squeeze my fingers like they’re my cock.”

“I want both of you,” I moaned as my orgasm rolled over me in waves, spilling out of me like water breaking through a dam.

Luca sucked my lip into his mouth. “Take off your dress.” His hands moved to my ass, and he squeezed. “I need to touch you. Feel you. Taste you. Fuck you.”

I rubbed my pussy on his cock. “Unzip me.”

He reached behind me and tugged on the zipper. His blue eyes flickered with complete and total madness as I peeled the fabric from my body. When the song switched to an upbeat rap, I shook my breasts in his face, dancing on top of him.

Marcello got off the couch and moved behind me, gathering my hair in his hands. He slid the hair off my shoulder and licked my skin. I loved when he was playful, but still a hunter like his brothers.

He cupped my breasts and rolled the pads of his thumbs over my painfully sore nipples. “I need to fuck you, princess.”

“Not yet,” Luca ordered, always in control. He gripped my thighs and lifted my legs over his shoulder, pushing me backward so he could move his head between my legs. “Wait your turn, brother.”

“Fuck you,” Marcello challenged.

Luca rolled his eyes, and seconds later, his lips were on my skin, kissing and nibbling his way to my throbbing core. He removed a knife from inside his jacket pocket. My heart caught in my throat as his eyes met mine. My sexy devil sliced the thin lace, tearing my panties clean off my body, discarded as if they were nothing.

He dropped the knife onto the couch and sucked on my clit, slamming his fingers into my wetness. My eyes snapped shut when he added another finger, rough and ruthless, taking what he wanted from me. As I hooked my legs around his neck, I leaned back on Marcello. He dipped his head down and parted my lips with his tongue, devouring me. Between the two of them, my entire body was on fire.

Luca removed his fingers from my pussy and ate me like a starved man. Deeper and deeper, his tongue left no part of me uncharted.

“Luca,” I moaned as Marcello massaged my nipples. “Oh, my God. Mmm… I’m going to come.”

“Good girl,” Marcello growled against my neck.

Sweat slid between my breasts as my body trembled, chasing one orgasm and then another as they poured out of me in waves. My heart hammered in my chest, begging to break free as the last of the tremors rocked through me. Luca slid my legs off his shoulders and wrapped them around his back, so I was straddling him.

I sat up and grabbed his tie, pulling his lips to mine. Our tongues tangled together, and I could taste myself on him as we kissed. I ripped off his tie and began working on the buttons of his dress shirt. He shoved the suit jacket over his shoulders, and his shirt was next to go. Luca pushed down his pants and boxers, and I helped him discard them.

I stared into his eyes and waited for him to make the next move. His hand fell to the back of my head, and he gave me a gentle push. So I lowered to my knees in front of him, fisting his thick cock in my hand.

“Be a good girl,” he groaned as his fingers wove through my hair. “Suck my cock.”

“Marcello.” I glanced over my shoulder. “Take off your clothes. Fuck me.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic