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“I’m fine,” I assured him. “The medicine helped me sleep through the night.”

I laid my head on his muscular chest, soaking up his warmth. Sucking his lip into my mouth, I placed my hand over his heart, feeling the steady beat.

He was real.

And all mine.

A smirk tugged at his mouth. “You said you love me when you thought I was sleeping.”

“It’s true.” My lips touched his. “I love you, Luca.”

He slipped his fingers through my curls as his eyes met mine. “I loved my mom more than anything. And when I lost her, I never thought I would feel that way again. I thought I would spend the rest of my miserable life without caring about anything until I met you.” His tongue slipped past my lips and tangled with mine. “I love you, Drea. I was so afraid of losing you I pushed you away. I hated my feelings for you. I thought they made me weak and reckless.”

“Love is unpredictable. You can’t control it or contain it.”

“Show me how much you love me.” Luca moved me on top of him. “Ride my cock, baby.”

Straddling his thighs, I fisted his cock through the slit in his briefs and shoved my panties to the side. I gave him a few strokes, and Luca groaned, his eyes meeting mine as I lifted my hips. His hand fell to my waist, fingers digging into my skin. I took all of him in one swift thrust, and my eyes slammed shut from how quickly he filled me.

I leaned forward and pressed my palm to his chest, rocking my hips to meet his. Because I was in control, I wanted to make love to him. I took advantage of this moment and lost myself in him.

“Damn, baby,” he grunted. “You feel so fucking good.”

I gave him a cheeky grin. “You saying you missed me?”

He tugged on my hair in response.

As I kissed him, my body felt as if it were on fire. I was so close, chills rolling down my arms as a wave of heat swept over me. Luca pumped his cock into me, taking control of our orgasms as they spilled out of us, one after another.

I came hard and fast, Luca right after me. We kissed long after our bodies stopped trembling. Luca threaded his fingers through my curls, crushing my mouth with a passionate kiss. Our tongues fought for power over the other as we deepened the kiss.

Everything was a game with us.

Neither of us would ever relinquish complete control, forcing the other to assert their dominance.

His hands slid down my back and over my ass, claiming me with the same hunger I craved. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

I smiled.

And then he was hard and inside me again, taking me to new heights, showing me exactly how much he missed me.

Luca surprised Alex with a birthing room inside the mansion. We couldn’t risk letting her off the property, so we’d decided she would deliver the baby at the house.

She covered her mouth with her hand as she walked into the room. “You guys, this is so thoughtful.”

Alex rested her hand on the crib and tears leaked from her eyes. Of course, Marcello was at her side, with his hand on her shoulder. My brother was always the first to comfort her. He knew exactly what to do and say.

I couldn’t even console myself, let alone another person.

How am I going to help a child?

On one side of the room was a king bed, a gynecological table on the other with a bunch of monitors set up for the doctor. Luca had ordered a ton of shit with the help of Alex’s OBGYN. I didn’t know a damn thing about babies. I’d never even been around one.

From the moment Alex announced she was pregnant, I couldn’t breathe. Just the thought of possibly being a father scared me to death. I’d feared nothing in my life, not until that day. All of us were terrified of raising a child, especially given the circumstances.

Marcello hugged Alex from behind as she stared out the open patio doors that overlooked the bay. Bastian stood on her right, his fingers laced between hers. I wanted so badly to be there for her. But I didn’t know how to be like my brothers. That part of my brain was missing.

“Dr. Ferguson will be here in five minutes.” Luca shoved his cell phone into his jacket pocket. When Alex turned around, he added, “She’s the best OBGYN on the East Coast. You’re in good hands, Drea.”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic