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“Not yet, baby.” He pushed on my shoulder, pinning my back to the soft mattress. “Let us take care of you.”

I fisted a chunk of Marcello’s hair between my fingers, tugging at the ends. He stuck out his tongue and licked my nipple, his fingers moving alongside Luca inside me. Marcello teased me again, and I whimpered with each flick of his tongue.

“Marcello,” I whispered. “Bite me.” He did as I commanded, pulling on my nipple with his teeth, and my entire body felt like it was on fire. “Harder.”

A rush of heat coursed through my veins and spread down my arms. Luca brought my mouth to his, kissing my lips as Marcello made me scream.

“Luca,” I moaned as he peppered my jaw with kisses.

I felt Damian and Bastian crawl toward us on the bed, the mattress shifting beneath their weight. My eyes immediately found theirs. They kneeled on the bed, their hard cocks in their hands, focused on me as they jerked their shafts.

I wanted all of them.

But it was impossible for me to give each of them the proper amount of time with Luca and Marcello monopolizing so much of mine. I also didn’t think I could handle all of them inside me tonight. Not after the beating my body had taken to get to the island.

They took turns licking and sucking every inch of my skin until my body trembled. Damian leaned forward, taking my leg in his hand and kissed his way up my thigh. Bastian joined him, the two of them spreading my legs farther apart.

Luca pinched my nipple, and I cried out for more.

“Feel good, baby girl?”

I closed her eyes and lost myself with them. “Yes. Don’t stop.”

Pressing his palm to the mattress, Luca hovered over me, his breath ghosting my skin. I arched my back, lifting my hips off the mattress, moaning into his mouth as his brothers devoured me.

My eyes snapped shut when Damian sucked my clit into his mouth. Then Bastian dragged his tongue over the tiny nub, fighting Damian for possession of me.

So they devised a system.

While Damian sucked my clit into his mouth, Bastian licked between my folds, tasting every inch of me. I tugged on both of their short, dark hair, screaming their names, rocking my hips until I was practically strangling them with my pussy.

As whimpers poured out of my mouth, my legs trembled, and one after another, I rode out my orgasms, coming hard and fast on Bastian’s tongue. My men stared at me from between my thighs and licked their lips.

Still trying to catch my breath, I leaned back on the stack of pillows behind me, nestled between Marcello and Luca. With my men surrounding me, I’d never felt so loved and admired. Like a true queen claiming her Knights.

Luca cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. “You must be tired, baby.”

I nodded.

He snaked his strong arm around me, rolling me onto my side. His hand moved from my breast to my stomach. “You’re safe,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re loved.” Luca brushed the tangled curls off my cheek. “Sweet dreams,mi amore.”

Iawoke the following day to sunlight on my face. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I sat up, my chest ready to cave from the wave of anxiety rocking through me. For a second, I thought I was still on the boat with Lorenzo until I turned to the side, where Luca slept soundly.

I blew out a breath of relief.

This was my first time sleeping in Luca’s bedroom. He’d never shared more than his body with me, and after all these years, his walls were crumbling down. My kidnapping changed him, made him realize what he could have lost.

Bastian, Marcello, and Damian were gone. Knowing Luca, he kicked them out the second I fell asleep.

Luca laid on top of the black silky sheets. I stared down at my sleeping devil, dressed in his usual black Dolce & Gabbana boxer briefs, shirtless and as handsome as ever.

I brushed his cheek with my fingers, kissed his forehead, and whispered, “I love you, Luca.”

I’d never said the words aloud.

A moment of silence passed before he scared me half to death. He looked dead to the world a moment before. His eyes popped open, the same pretty blue ones I had stared at hundreds of times. This wasn’t how I planned to confess my love for him.

“You better love me,” he said, his voice deep and rough. “How did you sleep?” Luca looked at me with one eye open and curled his arm around me. “Are you feeling okay?”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic