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I answered him with my eyes, peeking up at him with his big cock puffing out my cheeks. Luca slid my hair off my forehead so he could watch me choke on his length. He tightened his grip right as his legs shook, his orgasm working its way through his body. But he stopped arching his hips and pulled out of my mouth.

He helped me up from the floor and bent me over his desk. I palmed the wood and looked at his brothers. All three of them grabbed their big cocks over the front of their pants, aiming their sinful gazes at me.

Luca’s fingers skated down my back and over my ass cheek. He leaned forward and sucked my earlobe into his mouth. “Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted, Drea? An audience to admire you while I fuck you.”

I startled at his words and then glanced at him over my shoulder. “Yes.”

Back in high school, Luca forced me to watch him with other girls. He’d bend them over the sink in the boys’ bathroom and fuck them as he watched me in the mirror. His brothers would hold me down, touch me, rile me until I felt like I would combust. Each time, I’d leave the bathroom angry, aroused, confused by why I liked it so much. I wanted to be one of those girls, and he damn well knew it.

Luca’s thick cock pushed between my wet folds, stretching me open with each inch. He was so damn big. I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together as he fully seated himself inside me. I breathed deep, my fingers sliding across the desk as he thrust his hips. A moan slipped past my lips, one after the other, and I didn’t care if he punished me for it.

This time, Marcello didn’t put his hand over my mouth. None of them moved from their places a few feet from the desk. It was as if they knew this was Luca’s plan all along. To dominate me in front of them. Make them watch how much pleasure I derived from this sick, demented psycho.

With one hand, he squeezed my shoulder and fucked me hard, shaking the drawer each time he pumped into me like a wild animal. Papers flew to the floor. Shit dropped from his desk like it was raining stationary. The desk drawers banged as if they were about to come off the hinges.

I screamed his name, over and over, until my throat was dry. He eventually tired of me disobeying his command to remain quiet and ripped off his tie. Without warning, he put it over my mouth and pulled hard, securing it behind my head.

It was degrading to have him do this to me in front of his brothers. But this was what I’d wanted from him. For years, I had imagined him embarrassing me like those other girls. Fucking me so hard I couldn’t speak. So many times, I would wake up to dreams of him, my hand shoved down my panties, rubbing my clit.

I slid my hand down my stomach and massaged the aching bud, staring into the eyes of my other men as Luca owned every inch of my body.

As I came for the second time in a row, a man on the phone said, “Mr. Salvatore, are you still there?”

He reached over me to hit the button on the phone, not breaking stride for one second. There was no doubt you could hear our skin slapping together and my muffled moans as he spoke to the man. Luca had some serious stamina. Not once did he slow down to give me a second to adjust to his size. He just kept pounding into me like he was trying to imprint his cock into my vagina.

Luca muted the call again, and then he yanked on my hair, pulling my head back so I could look into his eyes. I came again, and this time, I could see him losing all control. That split second when his lips parted, his body trembling from his orgasm. He came inside me, filling me up as he removed his tie from my mouth and kissed my lips.

We rarely kissed. But this time, it felt real, like he didn’t hate the thought of my lips on his. Like he actually enjoyed this moment of intimacy with me.

After he pulled out of me, Luca tucked himself back into his pants. His arms wrapped around me, and he set me on his lap.

“Lift your hips, baby girl.” He spoke against the shell of my ear. “You better not spill a drop of my cum.”

His brothers readjusted their cocks, staring at me like they wanted to rip me apart.

Luca turned my head and sucked my lip into his mouth, then tugged with his teeth. “Do you like being treated like a dirty little slut?”

I nodded and kissed him again, unhooking his tie from around my neck. “Luca, that was…”

“I know, baby girl.”

Clutching my hip, Luca leaned forward and answered the man on the phone. A heated discussion ensued for a few minutes before he looked at me again. “I need to focus.” He tapped my thigh with his fingers and lowered his voice. “My mother’s paintings just arrived. You only have one week to study them before they go back on loan to another gallery.”

I slipped my fingers between his. “Come with me.”

“I’m on all-day conference calls.” He tipped his head at his brother. “Marcello will sit with you in my mother’s studio.”

“Thanks for the orgasms.” I kissed his lips as I hooked the tie around his neck and slid off his lap. “I’m guessing I won’t see you for the rest of the day.”

“The rest of the week.” He lifted my hand and kissed my skin, causing me to shiver from his touch. “My brothers will keep you company until your showcase at the Blackwell Gallery.”

The New York crime families came through on their promise to Luca. It was worth every cent of the ten million dollars we paid them, pocket change for men like us. I owned watches that cost more. Despite our hesitation to work with the Mafia again, they were valuable. They had more men than The Devil’s Knights and easily located a few of the top-ranking leaders of the Volkov Bratva.

Bastian drove us to the safe house in Beacon Bay. My brother hated when I handled jobs like this one for our family. He hated those moments when I turned into a monster that even he feared. I wasn’t like other people and didn’t want to be like them. For as long as I could remember, I wasn’t right in the head.

I was different.

I’d always had these dark desires that claimed hold of me. Even Bastian couldn’t stop me most of the time. My father never even tried. In fact, he had encouraged me to learn how to hone my craft. He taught me the skills to torture, maim, and kill my victims. Meeting Arlo Salvatore was the best thing that ever happened to me. So was being part of his family.

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic