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Luca grabbed my hips and pushed me onto his desk, shoving my cheek to the wood. He hit the mute button on the speakerphone and then his hand came down hard on my ass cheek. It hurt at first, but as he continued to punish me, the pain turned to pure pleasure. My gaze often traveled over to his brothers, who stood a few feet in front of the desk. Their big cocks tented their dress pants, all of them enjoying their brother spanking me like a rotten child.

I moaned with each whack of his palm, soaked through my bikini bottoms by the time he finished with me. He stopped to unmute the call, then mumbled something I couldn’t understand to his business associate. After a minute of discussion, he hit a button on the phone again. His fingers slipped beneath the straps of my bikini bottoms. He had them off in a split second, throwing them at his brothers.

He wanted them to watch us.

Did he find enjoyment in this?

Was it about me and the punishment he thought I deserved? Or was this a punishment for them?

Luca flipped me over and pulled down his zipper. He whipped out of his big cock, stroking his length. My sexy devil pressed his palm to my stomach, and I leaned back on my elbows, giving him the full view.

Marcello came behind me and untied my bikini top. The straps fell from my neck, the fabric dropping onto my stomach. He peeled it from my body, and then his hand covered my right breast. Bastian appeared at his side and massaged the other one. Damian just watched us, staring down at me like he wanted to devour me.

But it was Luca’s turn.

All three of them had gotten a turn with me. So why did Luca want to share this moment with them when he could have me all to himself? I never understood him or his motivations. Luca Salvatore was a mystery I couldn’t solve.

A man’s voice blared through the speaker, drowning out the rapid beating of my racing heart. Luca spoke to him for second, and then he went back to carefully appraising my body. With one look, he set my skin on fire, heat rolling off me in waves.

When he looked at me like this, I wanted to tear off his clothes and beg him to claim me. And judging by the look on his face, he was about to do just that. His fingers branded my skin as he slowly inched his way up my thigh.

A crazed look flickered in his blue eyes before he bent forward and licked his lips. “Can you be quiet, baby?” Luca whispered with his mouth inches from my pussy.

His breath fanned across my skin, driving me fucking crazy. How could I say no?

“Yes,” I muttered.

He raised his finger to his mouth. “Shh…”

His tongue rolled over my aching clit, and a whimper slipped from my lips. Luca stopped licking me and shook his head, warning me to stay quiet. Then he went back to licking me straight down the middle.

I gripped the edge of the desk and arched my back, needing more of his tongue. His tongue drove inside me, and like a hungry animal, he devoured me, taking turns between sucking on my clit and lapping up my juices. He lifted my thigh, dropped it over his shoulder, and thrust two fingers inside me. Marcello clamped his hand over my mouth to stifle my screams, even though I was trying my best to keep the men on the phone from hearing me.

“Mr. Salvatore,” one man said, and Luca tortured me by pulling his head back.

He spoke again, nodded his head as the men responded on the other end of the line. Another man joined the call, giving Luca a reprieve. He glanced up at me with my cum coating his full lips, giving me one of the sickest smiles I’d ever seen.

Then he ravaged me again, licking me from front to back, tasting every inch of me. Unable to control myself, I moaned right as I hit the peak of my climax. Marcello clamped his hand over my nose and mouth to silence me. I screamed against his skin, my teeth scraping his flesh.

Bastian bent down to suck my nipple into his mouth while Damian bit the other one. The four of them worked as a team, each of them giving me equal love and attention. My entire body trembled, on the verge of another orgasm, when Luca shoved two fingers inside me, spreading me open. I tugged on his short black hair as I rode out my high, chasing my pleasure all the way to the finish line.

After my body stopped convulsing, Luca sat back and lowered my thigh to the desk. The others dropped their hands and mouths from my body. They sure as hell knew how to worship a woman. How to make me feel like a queen.

Luca stared at me with carnal hunger in his eyes. Again, it was his turn to speak on the call, and he muttered words in a foreign language for a solid minute before he turned his focus back to me.

I slid off the desk and dropped to my knees between his spread thighs. His chest rose and fell as I took his cock in my hand, stroking his long length. He tilted his head back against the chair, his fingers massaging my scalp as he pulled my head closer. I stuck out my tongue to lick the tip. His lips parted as our eyes met, and then he forced me to take all of him.

I sucked his cock, and he fisted my hair like a savage, grabbing my curls so hard my scalp burned as I hummed on his cock.

“Fuck, baby girl,” he grunted.

He entered the conversation again, leaning over to talk into the speaker, which forced more of him down my throat. Luca was too long and thick for me to handle him without gagging. Thankfully, he didn’t talk for long, which helped to loosen his hold on me.

He bent down and whispered against the shell of my ear. “Keep this up, and I’m going to tear up your pussy.”

I moaned in response.

“You like that, my dirty girl?” Luca yanked on my curls. “Hmm? You want me to punish you some more for disobeying me?”

Tags: Jillian Frost Princes of Devil's Creek Erotic