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Chapter Thirty-Seven


“So what are we doing today?” I ask over a late brunch. I was hoping to get up early, but I guess waking up at six doesn’t transfer when there are sixteen time zones to overcome.

Griffin suggested room service, but I insisted on using one of the restaurants. As luxurious as our suite is, I want to soak up as much of the city as possible. That means getting out of our room, even if we’re staying inside the hotel for our meal.

Also, staying in the suite makes me feel slightly ambivalent. Everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours or so is amazing. I really wanted to follow Ellie’s advice and seduce Griffin, make him as happy as he’s made me—but then he just abandoned me!

Am I that un-sexy? That undesirable?

Maybe it’s the jet lag. He could’ve been tired. Just because my shirt smelled okay yesterday doesn’t mean I was seductive, especially after a full day and a long flight. My makeup was two days old and my face was overly shiny. I could’ve looked like a trout that started to go bad.

A trout. My God. Think of something sexier than that to refer to yourself. How can I have depressing thoughts when I should be having some of the best moments of my life? Negativity doesn’t help anybody, and I plan to enjoy my time here, no matter what.

We’re seated in a huge restaurant overlooking a serene Japanese garden complete with green bamboo and little streams. I’m eating steamed white rice, miso soup, seaweed, simmered fish and some other Japanese food that I don’t recognize. It’s all stunningly presented in gorgeous blue and white porcelain bowls and plates that are smaller than my palm. Griffin’s enjoying French toast. His food is on a standard white plate with a golden rim in fan and mountain patterns.

“We have a massage session scheduled with the spa here to help us shake off the jet lag,” he says.

I knew it!“Ooh, that sounds amazing!”

“Afterwards we’ll have an hour to relax before the evening.”

“Are we free to do whatever we want then?” I ask, eager and excited about the possibilities. “I’d love to go to Tokyo Skytree. It’s the tallest observation deck in the world, and I’ve wanted to go ever since I saw it on TV. It’s going to be amazing to look at the city at night from that high up.” I smile dreamily. It’s going to be awesome to celebrate my birthday there. Who cares about becoming a year older when you’re up there with one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the world at your feet?

“Not today,” he says. “We have different plans. But we can go tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Maybe Griffin has something he wants to do. Although today’s my birthday, we can do what he wants first. After all, he planned and paid for this amazing trip. I can be flexible.

Actually, I’m just happy to be here. Nothing can change the fact that I’m in Tokyo for my birthday.

After brunch, we head to the spa. When he said it was a massage, I expected something like what I had back in Lovedale. But no. The bilingual menu states that this is a full “detox and rejuvenation program.” After we fill out forms about our health conditions, the spa staff take me and Griffin to separate treatment rooms.

I change into a robe, and the treatment starts off with a soak in some kind of fragrant herbal hot spring water. My spa lady places an hourglass filled with sparkling green and blue sand on the foot of the tub, letting the grains slip slowly down. The warm water feels so good that I sigh and sink deeper into the tub. I could get used to this. Maybe I should see if I can buy the salt they tossed into the water, so I can re-create the experience at home.

When the green and blue sand has all fallen to the bottom, she helps me out of the tub. “Please be careful, as the floor can be very slippery.” Her voice is soft and pleasant. “Your massage is over there.”

She takes me to an airy room set up with a bed. I lie down and she starts to massage me…

When I open my eyes, I’m momentarily disoriented. My masseuse has brought me a cup of warm ginger tea. “Did I fall asleep for long?”

She checks the time. “A little over ninety minutes.”

“Wow.” I must’ve been more tired than I thought. Or the masseuse is just that good.

I sit up and realize I feel fantastic—my head clear, my body full of energy. I could run a marathon now! Yes! Just perfect before Griffin and I tour the city.

She hands me the tea. “It’s hot, so please be careful.”

“Thanks.” I sip the tea. Sweet with a tang of ginger and lemon grass. Yummy. “Is Griffin done too?”

“Please allow me to check.” She pulls out a phone and taps the screen. The device pings. “Mr. Lasker finished ten minutes ago and is at the concierge now.”

“Thanks.” He must’ve gone there to arrange what he wants to do later today. It’ll be cool if he wants to see the city. I’d love to walk around and just drink in this giant metropolis.

I go back to the suite and change into jeans and a cute pink top with fake gemstones in front that spell I Heart Japan. I slip on my teal ballet flats, which have been broken in already, and make sure my phone’s fully charged so I can take lots of pictures. If Griffin needs me in something else, I have a cute dress I can throw on quickly.

Griffin comes up soon after. He’s in the same casual blue T-shirt and shorts. Whatever magic the spa people performed relaxed him so much that he actually looks vaguely pleased. He seems more approachable and sweeter like this, rather than his usual impassivity or outright annoyance.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance