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Wonder if he’s going to be more amenable to kissing now? Because on the rare occasion his mouth curves like that, I want to kiss him.

As soon as the thought pops into my head, I shake myself mentally. I don’t want a repeat of yesterday until I can figure out what went wrong last night. Based on the fact that he isn’t avoiding me or treating me weirdly, it doesn’t seem like he was upset by the kiss itself.

“How was the massage?” he asks.

“Amazing,” I say with a smile. “Thank you.”

“It was nothing. You look more energized now.”

“I was so relaxed, I ended up napping. So! All set up for our day?”

“Yup. The concierge took care of everything.”

“Great! What’s the plan?”

“An early dinner first. We won’t be able to eat later. Or at least I don’t think you will.”

That’s an odd thing to say.“How come?”

“Probably be too overwrought.”

I laugh. “What are you planning that you think I’m going to be too overwrought to eat?”

“It’s a secret.”

“Not even a small hint?” I give him my best pleading face.

“Nope.” He considers. “We can do room service or hit one of the restaurants here. The traffic’s pretty bad, so that might be the best.” He checks his watch.

“Okay. Let’s do that. As long as we’re doing Japanese food.”

“What are you in the mood for?”

Excited, I start rattling off all the stuff on my “must-try when in Japan” list. “I want to try sushi and ramen. I read that ramen is famous in Tokyo. Oh and the Japanese-style curry and rice! I saw on YouTube that it’s the most popular food among the children. I absolutely have to taste it.”

He lets out a laugh. Everything inside me does happy shivers at the unexpected and rare sound.

He sobers quickly, like he’s shocked he laughed at all. Why doesn’t he want to laugh and be happy?

“I don’t think we can have all of them,” he says, “but the hotel has an excellent sushi restaurant.”


Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance